Bosun Akinrogunde (Buzman01)


Geek Repo

Company:Lychee Integrated Solutions Limited, Lagos

Location:Lagos, Nigeria


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Bosun Akinrogunde's repositories


Nuxt provides two useful hooks for fetching data: AsyncData and Fetch. They’re available at different times in the Nuxt lifecycle, affecting how we use them.


Bit stuffing is a process of inserting an extra bit as 0, once the frame sequence encountered 5 consecutive 1's.


C Program for Fibonacci Series using While Loop


Algorithm for to calculate monthly bill of newspaper


If a string is palindrome, it gives the same string even after reversing it.


A Function is the simple callable object in python. A function can accept some arguments and possibly return some object. The following python code represents the basic calculator operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The code is well organized with different functions.


Python program to display month of calendar. To do so, we need to import the calendar module which comes with Python.


Variables in python generally not required to mention the data type before the variable name. Variable is a named representation of a memory location. In simple, the system selects one location in memory for your value to be stored


Inline Function: It is a function that is expanded in line when it is invoked. That is, the compiler replaces the function call with the corresponding function code. The inline function is defined as follows Inline return-type function_ name(arguments) { function body; }



Given an integer array of size n and an integer X, we need to determine if there exist two unique elements in the array such that their sum is X. If there are no such elements, we should print There is no such pair.
