busyloop / lolcat

Rainbows and unicorns!

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/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/lolcat-99.9.11/lib/lolcat/lol.rb:63: warning: Insecure world writable dir /home/elswerky/.local in PATH, mode 040777

elswerky opened this issue · comments

i get this line at the end of output every time i run lolcat on arch on wsl
** /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/lolcat-99.9.11/lib/lolcat/lol.rb:63: warning: Insecure world writable dir /home/elswerky/.local in PATH, mode 040777**

any idea how to fix it ??

i removed ~/.local folder and now i get a new error

/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/lolcat-99.9.11/lib/lolcat/lol.rb:63: warning: Insecure world writable dir /mnt/c in PATH, mode 040777

is there any way to hide or disable this warning ??


This is not a lolcat-specific message but a lower level security warning.

Your PATH-variable contains a world-writable directory (/mnt/c).
This variable tells your shell where to search for executables when you type a command.

Having a world-writable directory in there is a bad idea.
It means any user on your system could, for example, put a script called ls
there - and the next time you try to list a directory you might execute this
script instead of the actual /bin/ls binary.

I would suggest to remove this directory from your PATH
or to change the permissions so that it is not world-writable anymore.

This is not a lolcat-specific message but a lower level security warning.
can you tell me how to remove it from path permently ??
elswerky tmp $ echo $PATH

how to remove such path permently ( i mean windows dirs in $PATH)


Sorry, I'm not familiar with Windows, so I don't know.

Possibly this thread (found with a quick google) might lead to a workaround:

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Windows, so I don't know.

Possibly this thread (found with a quick google) might lead to a workaround:

they are paths in linux bash on wsl
so the way to remove them is just like in any linux distro ,,i will google it to see how to remove paths in linux permently