bustios / zeppelin-notebooks

Gallery of Apache Zeppelin notebooks

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Apache License 2.0

Zeppelin notebooks

This repository contains a set of notebooks I developed using Apache Zeppelin, as part of my participation in Google Summer of Code 2016. If you've noticed any errors or would like to contribute to this repository, please don't hesitate to contact me submitting an issue on GitHub or forking the repository and making a pull request.

If you just want to take a look at the notebooks, you can view them on ZeppelinHub viewer.


All the source code in the notebooks is licensed under Apache License 2.0.


1. Classification of motor imagery EEG signals

  • The objective of this notebook is to present a simple approach to classify left and right hand motor imagery tasks recorded in an electroencephalogram.
  • Source code on Github.
  • View on ZeppelinHub.


2. World Development Indicators

  • This notebook shows some indicators of the World Development Indicators dataset in an easy way through maps and interactive graphics using R.
  • Source code on Github.
  • View on ZeppelinHub.


3. Machine learning on Titanic disaster

  • This notebook is intended to show a simple machine learning pipeline.
  • Source code on Github.
  • View on ZeppelinHub.


Additionally to these notebboks, I reported the following issues:

  • ZEPPELIN-1244: %python.sql is not initialized properly by default
  • ZEPPELIN-1255: z.show() does not display Pandas DataFrame with non-string values
  • ZEPPELIN-1261: z.show() height parameter doesn't take effect
  • ZEPPELIN-1327: Height parameter in z.show python interpreter does not take effect for PNG images
  • ZEPPELIN-1328: z.show in python interpreter does not display PNG images in python 3
  • ZEPPELIN-1358: Displaying Pandas DataFrame index in table using z.show()

and made these commits on Zeppelin repository.


Gallery of Apache Zeppelin notebooks