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quantmod dependency should now rely on 0.4.20 or later

mstackhouse opened this issue · comments

With a fresh installation of tidyquant, the API calls seem to fail using all the defaults:

[1] NA
Warning message:
x = 'AAPL', get = 'stock.prices': Error in new.session(): Could not establish session after 5 attempts.

I was able to resolve this by reinstalling quantmod by itself. This updated my local version from 0.4.18 to 0.4.20, which resolved the error:

# A tibble: 2,644 x 8
   symbol date        open  high   low close    volume adjusted
   <chr>  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 AAPL   2012-01-03  14.6  14.7  14.6  14.7 302220800     12.6
 2 AAPL   2012-01-04  14.6  14.8  14.6  14.8 260022000     12.6
 3 AAPL   2012-01-05  14.8  14.9  14.7  14.9 271269600     12.8
 4 AAPL   2012-01-06  15.0  15.1  15.0  15.1 318292800     12.9
 5 AAPL   2012-01-09  15.2  15.3  15.0  15.1 394024400     12.9
 6 AAPL   2012-01-10  15.2  15.2  15.1  15.1 258196400     12.9
 7 AAPL   2012-01-11  15.1  15.1  15.0  15.1 215084800     12.9
 8 AAPL   2012-01-12  15.1  15.1  15.0  15.0 212587200     12.9
 9 AAPL   2012-01-13  15.0  15.0  15.0  15.0 226021600     12.8
10 AAPL   2012-01-17  15.2  15.2  15.1  15.2 242897200     13.0
# ... with 2,634 more rows

This should likely be updated as a required dependency in the description file:

    R (>= 3.5.0),
    quantmod (>= 0.4-13)

This fix is implemented. Thanks.