burnettk / delete-docker-registry-image

If you are running a private v2 docker registry, and you are storing your data on disk, running this script from the machine where the data lives will let you fully delete an image or tag

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Registry with login/password

jhmnieuwenhuis opened this issue · comments


First of all thanks for these tools !

I setup my local registry to use a password ( see below )
Does this mean I ca not use the delete options ?

docker run -d --name registry
-v /opt/registry:/opt/registry
-v /home/hn/auth:/auth
-e "REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd"
-p 443:5000 --restart always
--env-file /opt/registry/config/registry.env

You run the script from the machine where your data is stored, so as long as you have sufficient access to delete the files under /opt/registry, you should be fine regardless of the permissions you apply to people accessing your registry over http. Cool?

You are fast !!

Thanks, your right.
The problem was not the password on the registry, but the access rights at the /opt/registry dir.

Thanks again !!

B.t.w. is Docker going to provide ways te delete repositories from local registry ?
And I mean really delete, not unreference


cool, glad that sorted it out.

yes, i think docker will have this facility at some point. parts of that implementation are complete and others are still pending, by my understanding, but there are a few too many tickets to fully keep track of it all.