buri17 / lambduh-maven-plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The lambduh Maven plugin allows you to deploy your AWS Lambda functions as a part of your usual Maven build process.


group id: com.github.seanroy
artifact id: lambduh-maven-plugin

mvn lambduh:deploy-lambda


All of the AWS Lambda configuration parameters may be set within the lambduh plugin configuration or on the Maven command line using the -D directive.

  • accessKey Your user's AWS access key.
  • secretKey Your user's AWS secret access key.
  • region Defaults to us-east-1 The AWS region to use for your function.
  • functionName REQUIRED The name of your function.
  • functionCode REQUIRED The location of your deliverable. For instance, a jar file for a Java8 lambda function. ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.${project.packaging}
  • description A brief description of what your function does.
  • s3Bucket Defaults to lambda-function-code. The AWS S3 bucket to which to upload your code from which it will be deployed to Lambda.
  • lambdaRoleArn REQUIRED The ARN of the AWS role which the lambda user will assume when it executes.
  • handler REQUIRED The entry point method of your function. ex. com.example.mycode.MyClass::codeHandler.
  • runtime Defaults to Java8 Specifies whether this is Java8 or NodeJs code.
  • timeout Defaults to 60 seconds The amount of time in which the function is allowed to run.
  • memorySize Defaults to 128M NOTE: Please review the AWS Lambda documentation on this setting as it could have an impact on your billing.


Your AWS credentials may be set on the command line or in the plugin configuration. If accessKey and secretKey are not explicitly defined, the plugin will look for them in your environment or in your ~/.aws/credentials file


As of 7/20/2015, this has yet to be tested with NodeJs code.


  • Allow upload of function code directly to AWS Lambda instead of using S3.
  • Add ability to update/delete functions.


1.0.2 Fixed PatternSyntaxException on windows SeanRoy#1


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%