burakeregar / KotlinMvpTemplateGenerator

Android Studio template for Kotlin with MVP + Dagger2 + Retrofit2

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Classes generated in the wrong package

priyakar opened this issue · comments

I have a java and kotlin package in my project. Im trying to generate the new files under the kotlin package but the files go to the java package instead. I have 2 soruceSets in my app gradle like this : main.java.srcDirs += 'src/main/kotlin'

It can be Android Studio's bug. Can you please switch from Android structure to Project structure and check that package name again?

ekran resmi 2017-05-31 00 51 29

I did that. I think android studio doesnt support creating a new activity old fashioned way if you have kotlin as your sourceDir

I think they're gonna fix it. If you attempt to rename java package in Android mode, you can see that it's Kotlin indeed.
ekran resmi 2017-05-31 01 06 28

Yep. I hope they fix it soon. Really like your idea and would like to use it soon :) Thanks