bulletphysics / bullet3

Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.

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Trying to build pybullet with GRPC and Protobuf errors

VallesMarinerisExplorer opened this issue · comments

Hello there bullet enthusiasts!

I am trying to compile pybullet to test out the GRPC server. I put GRPC in the third party libs folder in examples and I also put protobuf there as well. I keep running into errors during my build though. Wondering if anyone knows how pybullet.grpc.pb.h and .cpp are created, and if there is anything special I need to do when compiling for GRPC, specifically relating to protobuffers and this batch file: examples/SharedMemory/grpc/proto/createProtobufs.bat.

Thanks for your help!

Cannot open include file: 'SharedMemory/grpc/proto/pybullet.grpc.pb.h': No such file or directory
Cannot open source file: '....\examples\SharedMemory\grpc\proto\pybullet.grpc.pb.cpp':, No such file or directory
Cannot open source file: '....\examples\SharedMemory\grpc\proto\pybullet.pb.cpp': No such file or directory

Cannot open include file: 'absl/synchronization/mutex.h': No such file or directory (compiling source file ....\examples\SharedMemory\plugins\grpcPlugin\grpcPlugin.cpp) App_BulletExampleBrowser C:\Users\ahorv\Downloads\bullet3-master (2)\bullet3-master\examples\ThirdPartyLibs\grpc\include\grpcpp\impl\sync.h 30

Cannot open include file: 'absl/synchronization/mutex.h': No such file or directory (compiling source file ....\examples\SharedMemory\grpc\ConvertGRPCBullet.cpp) App_BulletExampleBrowser C:\Users\ahorv\Downloads\bullet3-master (2)\bullet3-master\examples\ThirdPartyLibs\grpc\include\grpcpp\impl\sync.h 30