bulletmark / libinput-gestures

Actions gestures on your touchpad using libinput

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Hold gestures are recognized but not triggering action

columbus-uncle opened this issue · comments

I have used libinput-gestures with great success in the past, but the hold gestures do not seem to be working for me. Running libinput-gestures in debug and raw modes show that the hold gestures are recognized by libinput, but for some reason I can't get them to work.

All of the swipe gestures I have configured work perfectly, but as soon as I add the gesture hold on 4 xdotool key control+t command in the config file and try to libinput-gestures-setup restart, it fails to start again.

patrick@localhost:~> libinput-gestures-setup status
libinput-gestures is installed.
libinput-gestures is set up as a user service.
libinput-gestures is not currently running.
libinput-gestures is set to autostart as a user service.
libinput-gestures is using custom configuration file.
patrick@localhost:~> libinput-gestures -l
libinput-gestures: session KDE+x11 on Linux-5.14.9-1-default-x86_64-with-glibc2.34, python 3.8.12, libinput 1.19.1
Hash: 824c62d849e50ed9b33384f9d877fe91
Gestures configured in ~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf:
swipe left       3 xdotool key alt+Right
swipe right      3 xdotool key alt+Left
swipe up         3 xdotool key Super+Alt+Up
swipe down       3 xdotool key Super+Alt+Down
swipe up         4 xdotool key Ctrl+0xffc5
swipe down       4 xdotool key Click 1
swipe left       4 xdotool key Ctrl+Super+Right
swipe right      4 xdotool key Ctrl+Super+Left
swipe right_down   xdotool key control+Tab
swipe left_up      xdotool key control+shift+Tab
libinput-gestures: device /dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:15.1-platform-i2c_designware.1-event-mouse(event9): SYNA7DB5:00 06CB:7DB7 Touchpad
libinput-gestures is installed.
libinput-gestures is set up as a user service.
libinput-gestures is not currently running.
libinput-gestures is set to autostart as a user service.
libinput-gestures is using custom configuration file.

patrick@localhost:~> libinput-gestures -l
libinput-gestures: session KDE+x11 on Linux-5.14.9-1-default-x86_64-with-glibc2.34, python 3.8.12, libinput 1.19.1
Hash: 824c62d849e50ed9b33384f9d877fe91
Error at line 12 in file ~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf:
>> gesture hold on 4 xdotool key control+t <<
Gesture "hold" is not supported.
Must be "swipe" or "pinch".

How did you install libinput-gestures? From the diagnostic output you quote above, I have no record of that version.

I installed via git as described in the readme. I just tried removing and reinstalling again and that has fixed the issue. Hold gestures work fine now. Thanks!

libinput-gestures: session KDE+x11 on Linux-5.14.11-1-default-x86_64-with-glibc2.34, python 3.8.12, libinput 1.19.1
Hash: 7fdb535fddc8a8f2306c17ccf295e6b9
Gestures configured in ~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf:
swipe up         4 xdotool key Ctrl+0xffc5
swipe down       4 xdotool key Click 1
swipe left       4 xdotool key Ctrl+Super+Right
swipe right      4 xdotool key Ctrl+Super+Left
swipe right_down   xdotool key control+Tab
swipe left_up      xdotool key control+shift+Tab
hold on         4 xdotool key XF86AudioPlay
libinput-gestures: device /dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:15.1-platform-i2c_designware.1-event-mouse(event9): SYNA7DB5:00 06CB:7DB7 Touchpad
libinput-gestures is installed.
libinput-gestures is set up as a desktop application.
libinput-gestures is currently running as a desktop application.
libinput-gestures is set to autostart as a desktop application.
libinput-gestures is using custom configuration file.
  1. Hold gestures were only added to libinput-gestures 2 weeks ago, so the version you were running was prior to that.
  2. The hash listed in your first output here does not correspond to any version ever released in git. So you must have hand modified the code that you were running.