bulletmark / libinput-gestures

Actions gestures on your touchpad using libinput

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Running libinput-gestures without the sudo command does not work.

aad1tya opened this issue · comments

libinput-gestures: session KDE+x11 on Linux-5.13.13-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.33, python 3.9.6, libinput 1.18.1
Hash: 7b225afc6809da81d306436673af8a29
Gestures configured in ~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf:
libinput-gestures: device /dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:15.1-platform-i2c_designware.1-event-mouse(event8): SYNA7DB5:01 06CB:CD41 Touchpad
libinput-gestures is installed.
libinput-gestures is set up as a desktop application.
libinput-gestures is currently running as a desktop application.
libinput-gestures is set to autostart.
libinput-gestures is using custom configuration file.

I have followed the installation process exactly as it was described. I am also added to the input group as the user.
To make the libinput-gestures work, I have to use the sudo libinput-gestures command after booting up. Otherwise the terminal tells me that libinput-gestures is already running, terminating....

libinput-gestures is already running for adityak, terminating ..

Paste the output of the command id here please.

Note you have created a custom configuration file but you have not put any commands in it so libinput-gestures will not do anything.

uid=1000(adityak) gid=1001(adityak) groups=1001(adityak),3(sys),10(wheel),983(rfkill),987(users),996(input)

Yes, you are right. I haven't put any commands in it but when I run the libinput-gestures with the sudo command, there are already some default gestures that work out of the box without me adding anything. For example, three fingers swipe up changes the desktop.

DE's and libinput-gestures should never be run as root so forget about doing that. It is not relevant here. From what you have shown above, libinput-gestures is running completely as normal because you have nothing configured for it to do. Please delete that ~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf file and then libinput-gestures-setup restart then it will use the default configuration file. If you see those working then add a custom configuration file (with commands this time!) and try again. If you have an issue at any time then please follow the TROUBLESHOOTING section and then report which specific step is giving you a problem.

BTW, whenever you paste output, always include the initiating command in that output to give context. E,g, you quote that libinput-gestures is already running output above but I do not know what you did to cause that message to be output.

Okay. I'll do what you mentioned. Thanks for replying and the helpful tip.

Why did you close the bug? Did you find the problem?