builtbybel / WhyNotWinAI

Check if your system can handle the new AI-powered features.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

White mouse text-selection cursor is invisible against off-white background in Windows dark mode

LyndonGingerich opened this issue · comments

Many thanks for the new program! I knew when I saw the screenshot in the GeekerMag article that you were the author.

Command output is in an editable text field, which turns my mouse cursor to the I shape for editing text. I run my PC in dark mode, which turns the text selection mouse cursor white. In other programs such as Notepad++, the text mouse cursor turns dark again if the program is not in dark mode. For some reason, the mouse cursor stays white in WhyNotWinAI. So I can't even see my mouse cursor unless I mouse over some darker text.