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pack build not correctly treating trusted builders as trusted

edmorley opened this issue · comments


The pack build command is not correctly treating builders as trusted after #2043. Specifically, if a builder is "trusted but not suggested" then pack build treats it as untrusted, even though the builder still shows up as trusted in the output of pack config trusted-builders.


  1. Update to latest Pack CLI (0.34.2)
  2. Remove the Pack CLI config (to reset any manually added trusted builders): rm ~/.pack/config.toml
  3. mkdir testcase && touch testcase/requirements.txt
  4. pack build --builder heroku/builder:22 --path testcase testapp --verbose
Current behavior

The heroku/builder:22 builder is treated as untrusted by pack build:

$ pack build --builder heroku/builder:22 --path testcase testapp --verbose
Builder heroku/builder:22 is untrusted
As a result, the phases of the lifecycle which require root access will be run in separate trusted ephemeral containers.
For more information, see
Pulling image
22: Pulling from heroku/builder
Expected behavior

For heroku/builder:22 to be treated as a trusted builder, given that the pack config trusted-builders Pack CLI command lists it under trusted builders:

$ pack config trusted-builders
Trusted Builders:

...and that it's marked as trusted here:

Image: "heroku/builder:22",
DefaultDescription: "Ubuntu 22.04 AMD64 base image with buildpacks for Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby & Scala.",
Suggested: false,
Trusted: true,


This appears to be caused by a bug here:

func isTrustedBuilder(cfg config.Config, builder string) bool {
for _, trustedBuilder := range cfg.TrustedBuilders {
if builder == trustedBuilder.Name {
return true
return isSuggestedBuilder(builder)

In that function, the return isSuggestedBuilder(builder) line should instead be return isTrustedBuilder(builder).

It looks like when the concept of "suggested" vs "trusted" builders was added in 1b68d12 some places in the codebase weren't updated along with the others.

This is why pack config trusted-builders says the builder is trusted, but pack build says it is not.

In addition to fixing this bug, it seems worth reducing the number of places that implement the same "is this a trusted builder" check to avoid issues like this (where the behaviour of different Pack subcommands for common functionality can diverge). Plus this comment needs updating too.

cc @colincasey @schneems


pack info
$ pack report
  OS/Arch:  darwin/arm64

Default Lifecycle Version:  0.19.6

Supported Platform APIs:  0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13

  default-builder-image = "[REDACTED]"
docker info


I also think separately this error wording needs updating too:

// Builder is not in the trusted builder list
if len(existingTrustedBuilders) == len(cfg.TrustedBuilders) {
if isSuggestedBuilder(builder) {
// Attempted to untrust a suggested builder
return errors.Errorf("Builder %s is a suggested builder, and is trusted by default. Currently pack doesn't support making these builders untrusted", style.Symbol(builder))

(Since it's not only suggested builders that are trusted by default, but any of the "built-in trusted builders")