buildbot / sandbox

ticket migration sandbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Show total tests run in summary page

bb-bot opened this issue · comments

This ticket is a migrated Trac ticket 536

People contributed to the original ticket: @djmitche (commenter)

The waterfall page currently shows number of tests
passed, number of todos, number of skips etc

It should also show a total number of tests run.

This would be good because:

  • It will make import errors more obvious
  • It allows you to confirm that the same number of
    tests are being run across all platforms
  • It allows you to easily confirm that the tests you
    added have actually been added.

Jonathan Lange

Nobody/Anonymous ( nobody ) - 2005-10-05 08:13

Extra Comments :-

2007-01-28 06:02
Sender: warner

yeah, sounds like a good idea. The way to implement this is in each
buildstep's getText2() method, which returns a list of short strings. Each
string returned by this method will be appended to the overall build
description, which gets placed in the top-most box on the waterfall page.

The steps I've written so far only add "bad" information to this list:
tests failed or maybe warnings. It would be easy to change it to add "good"
information as well, like tests passed.

I'm a bit hesitant to make that the default though.. I'm not sure if more
people would prefer terseness at the top of the page, or more detail.