buhrmi / vue-pouch

Live and reactive PouchDB bindings for Vuejs

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how to use with vuex ?

DamienFriot opened this issue · comments


Sorry for a year old answer. But maybe someone else might need it :-)

This is one solution I've got working last nite. Still having some issues with it. But maybe we can help each other?

export default new Vuex.Store({

  state: {
    isAuth: false

  mutations: {
    auth: (state, val) => {
      state.isAuth = val

  actions: {

    session ({ commit }) {
      return new Promise (resolve => {
        db.getSession((err, response) => {
          if (response.userCtx.name) commit('auth', true)
          else commit('auth', false)


    signIn ({ commit }, data) {
      return new Promise (resolve => {
        db.logIn(data.email, data.pass, (err, response) => {
          if (response.ok && !err) commit('auth', true)
          else commit('auth', false)


    signOut ({ commit }, data) {
      return new Promise (resolve => {
        db.logOut((err, response) => {
          if (!err) commit('auth', false)

