buhrmi / vue-pouch

Live and reactive PouchDB bindings for Vuejs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


franciscolourenco opened this issue · comments

Hi, wondering if there is any overlap with this other project which provides a lot of functionality like auth also with couchDB and pouchDB. Genuine question just trying to understand this better. Have you used it before? https://github.com/hoodiehq/hoodie

I don't have any experience with hoodie. I think they are trying to build a modern PWA stack. Hoodie seems to have solutions (plugins) for common use cases like oauth, whereas there is no good solution yet to do oauth with VuePouch. Hoodie is UI-framework-agnostic. But I wanted something tightly integrated with Vue. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

The question would be: in case Hoodie provides already most of what you are trying to achieve, would it make sense to create a hoodie <-> Vue plugin instead? Would you be able to achieve the same level of integration?

yes, that would make perfect sense. a similar level of integration should be possible.