buger / chromus

Chromus - web music player, reincarnation of Last.fm free music player https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/bbncpldmanoknoahidbgmkgobgmhnafh

Home Page:http://chromus.github.com/chromus

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chromus Website doesn't play tracks anymore ! / LastFM

Macadoshis opened this issue · comments


I sent an email the 24th november 2012 to "hello@chromusapp.com" with attachments. Did you at least get it ? I still didn't get any answer.

I just tried "http://chromus.github.com/chromus/", logged in with my lastfm account.
I manage to search for an artist, but I can't play any sound. As soon it tries to play a sound, it stops and opens the second one in the play list, etc etc.


But the song just doesn't start at all !
Here is some further information :


I've been using http://chromus.github.com/chromus/ for months, and it's always been able to play and scrobble songs to lastfm very well.

Has changed something changed recently ?
Am I the only one who can't play sounds ?

Has something to do with vk.com ??



thanks, i need to check it.

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Macadoshis notifications@github.com wrote:

I sent an email to "hello@chromusapp.com" with attachments. Did you at
least get it ?

I just tried "http://chromus.github.com/chromus/", logged in with my
lastft account.
I manage to search for an artist, but I can't play any sound. As soon it
tries to play a sound, it stops and opens the second one in the play list,
etc etc.

But the song just doesn't start at all !

I've been using http://chromus.github.com/chromus/ for months, and it's
always been able to play and scrobble songs to lastfm very well.

Has changed something changed recently ?


Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/63.

Sincerely yours Leonid Bugaev
http:// http://buger.github.comleonsbox.com

Any news ?
I'm using seesu.me's chrome extension since chromus is broken. And I think I'll definitely keep on using Seesu even if chromus will ever work again.