bufbuild / protobuf-es

Protocol Buffers for ECMAScript. The only JavaScript Protobuf library that is fully-compliant with Protobuf conformance tests.

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Runtime error on TextEncoder/TextDecoder

Autokaka opened this issue · comments


I'm running @bufbuild/protobuf module on a JavaScript Runtime that could only accept ECMAScript (For example, QuickJS::Eval), and the runtime throw exception that said:

Error message:TextDecoder is not defined
    this.textDecoder = textDecoder !== null && textDecoder !== void 0 ? textDecoder : new TextDecoder();
    at BinaryReader (oh_modules/.ohpm/@bufbuild+protobuf@1.6.0/oh_modules/@bufbuild/protobuf/dist/esm/binary-encoding.js:281:95)
    at readerFactory (oh_modules/.ohpm/@bufbuild+protobuf@1.6.0/oh_modules/@bufbuild/protobuf/dist/esm/private/binary-format-common.js:25:31)
    at fromBinary (oh_modules/.ohpm/@bufbuild+protobuf@1.6.0/oh_modules/@bufbuild/protobuf/dist/esm/message.js:45:34)
    at fromBinary (oh_modules/.ohpm/@bufbuild+protobuf@1.6.0/oh_modules/@bufbuild/protobuf/dist/esm/google/protobuf/descriptor_pb.js:1680:16)
    at func_main_0 (oh_modules/.ohpm/@bufbuild+protobuf@1.6.0/oh_modules/@bufbuild/protobuf/dist/esm/private/feature-set.js:19:35)

This issue occurs at 'feature-set.ts':

export const featureSetDefaults = FeatureSetDefaults.fromBinary(protoBase64.dec(
/*upstream-inject-feature-defaults-start*/ "ChESDAgBEAIYAiABKAEwAhjmBwoREgwIAhABGAEgAigBMAEY5wcKERIMCAEQARgBIAIoATABGOgHIOYHKOgH" /*upstream-inject-feature-defaults-end*/)); // This method uses TextDecoder...

The TextEncoder/TextDecoder could only be used in browser/NodeJS platform.

According to the source code, there is no way to make configurations for TextEncoder/TextDecoder.

Should we implement the TextEncoder/TextDecoder using pure JavaScript since this library can run in any ECMAScript runtime?

Or will there be a configuration for this?

According to the source code, there is no way to make configurations for TextEncoder/TextDecoder.

In addition to various polyfills, the toBinary/fromBinary methods take an optional BinaryWriteOptions/BinaryReadOptions object which can specify a writerFactory/readerFactory function respectively as mentioned in the docs. Those function need to produce an IBinaryWriter/IBinaryReader which can be implemented using the BinaryWriter/BinaryReader classes. You simply need to implement TextEncoderLike/TextDecoderLike:

type TextEncoderLike = { encode(input?: string): Uint8Array };
type TextDecoderLike = { decode(input?: Uint8Array): string };

// my-binary-format.ts
import {BinaryWriter, BinaryReader} from '@bufbuild/protobuf';

const myTextDecoderLike = {
    decode: (input?: Uint8Array): string => {
        /* Implement this yourself */
const myTextEncoderLike = {
    encode: (input?: string): Uint8Array => {
        /* Implement this yourself */

export const readerFactory = (bytes: Uint8Array) => new BinaryReader(bytes, myTextDecoderLike);
export const writerFactory = (): IBinaryWriter => new BinaryWriter(myTextEncoderLike);

// usage
import {readerFactory, writerFactory} from './my-binary-format'

// read
export const featureSetDefaults = FeatureSetDefaults.fromBinary(
    { readerFactory }

// write
const featureSetDefaultsBin = FeatureSetDefaults.toBinary(
    { writerFactory }

Should we implement the TextEncoder/TextDecoder using pure JavaScript since this library can run in any ECMAScript runtime?

Probably not since UTF-8 encoding/decoding is notoriously difficult to do correctly and fast. The TextEncoder/TextDecoder are available in all browsers along with Node, Deno, and Bun; and you can polyfill or customize the binary options as shown above if your runtime does not have them available.

@Autokaka, we've just updated the docs to explain this a bit better:

Internally, the classes use TextEncoder and TextDecoder from the text encoding API to encode and decode text as UTF-8. In an environment where this API is unavailable, your need to bring your own UTF-8 encoder. To do so, you can use the serialization options writerFactory and readerFactory to provide your own implementation.

For the specific case of feature-set.ts, it's currently not possible to provide your own codecs. I think we should try to fix this up. You can still set your own with globalThis.TextEncoder = ... though, in the meantime.

For QuickJS, the best approach is probably to do the work in C with a solid library, and make it available to the JS world conforming to the TextDecoder / TextEncoder interfaces. A quick search suggests that it may have been done before: https://github.com/rsenn/qjs-modules/blob/main/quickjs-textcode.h


Thanks, these answers help a lot! I'll have a try.

v1.7.1 includes a fix - you will still have to bring your own implementation of the text encoding API, but we don't try to access it at module init time.