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[feat] Option to generate enum with full prefix

vctqs1 opened this issue · comments

For example, the code below is generated from buf:

 * @generated from enum usermgmt.common.ImportUserEventStatus
export enum ImportUserEventStatus {
   * @generated from enum value: IMPORT_USER_EVENT_STATUS_WAITING = 0;
  WAITING = 0,

   * @generated from enum value: IMPORT_USER_EVENT_STATUS_FINISHED = 1;

   * @generated from enum value: IMPORT_USER_EVENT_STATUS_FAILED = 2;
  FAILED = 2,

However, in the backend (BE) code, the definition is as follows:

enum ImportUserEventStatus{

The question arises: Instead of generating and stripping out theprefix, should we consider adding opts to generate with the full key, such asIMPORT_USER_EVENT_STATUS_FAILED instead of justFAILED?

This consideration is important because when storing data in the database, it uses the full name (IMPORT_USER_EVENT_STATUS_FAILED) instead of the stripped-out version.

Using the full key ImportUserEventStatus[key] in the code makes it easier for mapping between the number and key instead of using longer methods like proto3.getEnumType(ImportUserEventStatus).findName(<value>).

I also post my question in Slack before https://bufbuild.slack.com/archives/CRZ680FUH/p1699259433760749

Hi @vctqs1! This would be a good feature request to open in the protobuf-es repo, which generates the code in your example.

@smallsamantha Ah thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience