budlabs / i3ass

A collection of shell scripts to ease the use of i3wm

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resurrect old i3menu as i3menu-rofi

budRich opened this issue · comments

this will go into a separate repo. Since the source is in this (i3ass) commit history, it would be nice to keep the commit history, i will look into this. Maybe just, git clone i3ass && git checkout i3menu && rm all_but_i3menu is good enough..


i created the repo (https://github.com/budlabs/i3menu-rofi) but the issues in #177 remains, i will not try to fix it, if anyone wants to adopt the repo (https://github.com/budlabs/i3menu-rofi) let me know. but seriously use the new https://github.com/budlabs/i3menu + https://github.com/budRich/dmenu instead. rofi is a mess.