budlabs / i3ass

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[i3fyra] --move CONTAINER, does not create containers

budRich opened this issue · comments

this was originally mentioned by @1ntronaut in #180 .

And the issue is what it says in the title, if the layout is "A" the command i3fyra --move B should create B and move the current window there. i3viswiz --move B seems to work fine though...

@1ntronaut , i am not able to reproduce this on my personal configuration or with the wiki config

Hi @budRich ,

Two (became 3) things I'd like to address two things here. I'm making separate issues.

    1. The issue as stated above is for me not-reproducable as well, however my personal setup is so that it won't allow me to create/assign i3fyra's 'virtual containers ABCD' on i3 startup or whatever. i3fyra --move A|B|C|D still does't create containers for me, without having the virtual containers initialized first through
      After checking... i3viswiz does not even have a --move flag. I wasn't using i3viswiz --move B, but rather i3viswiz move up|left|down|right and i3fyra --move CONTAINER.
      It seems like a stupid error on my behalf (which it is, in retrospect), my bad, but this'll probably prelude the following:
    1. I found out that i3viswiz does accept some (I suppose) non-intended input. It seems i3viswiz will accept any amount of arguments, as long as the last argument is any of u|l|d|r|up|left|down|right.
  • 2.5) During testing, I found out more: Not only this, but i3viswiz will accept ANY amount of arguments as long as the last of its arguments begins with any of u|l|d|r|up|left|down|right
    1. This might be a new issue, minor or not, but looking at my i3config, I seem to use i3viswiz to focus; and only seem to use i3Kornhe move to actually MOVE my windows across containers. But: it does also exhibit some of the same behaviour i3viswiz does.

Consider this issue fixed and/or non-existing. See the other issues I have created.