buaacyw / GaussianEditor

[CVPR 2024] GaussianEditor: Swift and Controllable 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting

Home Page:https://buaacyw.github.io/gaussian-editor/

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A problem occurs during the webUI operation

VG-socool opened this issue · comments

Hello, Dr. Chen.I have a problem.I tried to run the webui, and encountered this problem: It's said that "No module named 'simple_knn'", but when I tried to install it with pip, it's said that "Requirement already satisfied".Thank you for your help!

You may check requirement.txt which contains gaussiansplatting/submodules/simple-knn. Because simple-knn is installed by pip install gaussiansplatting/submodules/simple-knn instead of pip install simple-knn.