btroncone / ngrx-store-logger

Advanced logging middleware for @ngrx/store applications

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'createMiddleware' not found

tsawan opened this issue · comments

I just tried to use it and am getting "Object doesn't support property or method 'createMiddleware'".
I also read a pull-request on @ngrx/store and there are some suggested changes in store to refactore middleware. So is it working spending time to use logger as is?

What version of ngrx/store are you using? The createMiddleware method was added in 1.3.3 (I believe). If it can't be found this would appear to be the issue.

sorry, I am using 1.3.2.
still, is it ok to use it (keeping in mind the discussion to refactor middleware in @ngrx/store)?

It is fine to use. If those changes go through this middleware will still exist, it will just be applied slightly different on application bootstrap.

I am going to close this issue for now. Please let me know if you have any additional concerns. :)

My apologies, I have only tested in chrome. When I have some time I will look into support for other browsers.