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Angular smartcounter example

LiveLikeCounter opened this issue · comments


I'm tring to implement the smartcounter in Angular 2.

But I'm facing a problem with the timer:
Can you help me?


You need to import the static timer function, import { timer } from 'rxjs/observable/timer'. Good luck!


Thanks a lot!

One question: how do I emit new numbers to _counterSub$, can you make a little example?

No problem!

This is based on the input to the component. For example:

<number-tracker [end]="someNumber"></number-tracker>

As the someNumber input variable changes the counter will be updated appropriately.

Hope this helps!


Thanks, you rock!
I want to implement this counter in a complexer sitiation. Can I email you in private do hope you can advise me :)

Sure, it may be best to keep the conversation here though. That will let us reference this discussion in the future if anyone else runs into a similar situation. 👍


Sure, I'll try to describe the situation as good as possible :)

Current situation:
I have a (Ionic 3 Angular 4 App) which show the user his Facebook pages with the amount of likes. The likes are updateing real-time with Firebase and looks like:

The likes are updating real time, which is great. But it is not good enough. I want the numbers changes to be animated. So I found the smartcounter in this repro doing what I needed.
Thanks to btroncone, I could make a simple counter into my app:

I have also implemented a search function right now:

To summarize:

  • I list the user Facebook pages (including the likes) realtime
  • It's possible to search

But now the next step I want to make, is to animate the numberchange of the Facebook pages (increasing or decreasing.

The technic:
the facebook-likes.html

  <ion-card *ngFor="let facebookPage of facebookPages; let i = index;" 
      <ion-avatar item-start class="avatar">
        <img [src]="" style="margin-right: 5px;">
      <span class="text">
        <h3>{{ }}</h3>
        <p class="countNumber">{{ facebookPage.fan_count | number : fractionSize }}</p>
        <img *ngIf="facebookPage.is_verified" src="assets/img/facebookVerifiedAccountLogo.png" class="facebookVerifiedIcon" />      

The facebook-likes.ts:

  private facebookPages;
  private facebookPagesSubscription: Subscription;
  private searchStartAt = new Subject();
  private searchEndAt = new Subject();

The functions:

    this.facebookPagesSubscription = 
      this.fbServiceProvider.getItemsListWithFilter(this.searchStartAt, this.searchEndAt)
                            // .scan((acc, curr) => {
                            //   console.log('Scan: ', acc, curr)
                            // })
                            .distinctUntilChanged() // ensures we only pay attention when the server’s response is different than it was last time
                            .subscribe(fbPages => {
                              //console.log('fbPages: ', fbPages)
                              if (!fbPages.length) {
                                this.facebookPagesSearchResult = true
                              } else {
                                this.facebookPagesSearchResult = false
                              this.facebookPages = fbPages



The firebase-services.ts:

  getItemsListWithFilter(start, end): FirebaseListObservable<any> {
    return this.afDB.list(this.fbPathPages, {
      query: {
        orderByChild: 'nameLowercase',
        startAt: start,
        endAt: end

Thing I don't get around is:

  • The example is a number animation with one imput, I have 0 to N
  • I have a complete object with the Facebook-pages, so not only the numbers

Can you give me advice of setup a simple example so I can try it?
I thought I understood RxJS, but know I don't know :)
N.B.: I can share my sources, but only to who can help me because it is private...

Many thanks for helping me!

Just for clarification, you want the count under each list item to be animated?


Yes, thats true :)


Do you think it is possible?

Yes, if I'm understanding correctly you could just swap out:

{{ facebookPage.fan_count | number : fractionSize }}


<number-tracker [end]="facebookPage.fan_count | number : fractionSize"></number-tracker>

on each line.

Hope this helps!


Wouw, thats simple:

The only thing is that only the first facebookPage.fan_count is counting. Does the component need an extra input/variable so it can run multiple times?


Found it: "number : fractionSize" couldn't pass...

One step further :)

Now facing two problems:

  1. On every update he restarts with 0, but this is meanly because:
  2. Het counts to slow :( I set the timer to:
    return timer(0, 0)

You could do some work in the @Input to start at half of the max value, or similar.