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windows 10 1903 latest update stucking

YangKi1902 opened this issue · comments

hello, i've loaded driver but after inject dll to CE it's stucking when selecting process, im using windows 10 1903 latest update, can you help to fix it ?


Attach a debugger and let me know where it is getting "stuck". I'm not sure why/where it would get stuck instead of throwing an error.

well im tried to debug but it's look like the dll cant communicate with the sys, maybe on the new windows version NtGdiDdDDIGetSharedResourceAdapterLuid is not call to DxgkGetSharedResourceAdapterLuid anymore ?


Doubt it. I tested on a 1909 VM and it works properly. Open up DbgView to see the debug output of the driver -- is the driver entry succeeding? How are you loading the driver?

sure, it show "[dbg]success", i also add a testing log at begin of function "DxgkGetSharedResourceAdapterLuidHook" but its not output anything, can i ask whats your CE base version or can you share it?


The CE version shouldn't matter as it hooks NTDLL syscall stubs, so it will work for any x64 process. Anyways, I tested it on both 6.8.3 and 7.0.

Try putting a breakpoint on dxgkrnl!DxgkGetSharedResourceAdapterLuid and check if it's called from NtGdiDdDDIGetSharedResourceAdapterLuid (+ check that the driver actually hooks the correct function). On every VM I have from 1803-1909 it is reached.


If you can't figure it out, I've put a different communication method on this branch. This branch also contains the implementation without SEH so it can be manually mapped. Although if you are not manually mapping the driver, then you can simply change the communication to be an IOCTL rather than this mess.