bsormagec / glot-run

API for running code inside docker containers

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glot-run provides a http api for running code inside docker containers. The api is described here.



The download above is a standard erlang release that includes a start script. To start glot-run in the foreground type: glot/bin/glot foreground.

Environment variables

glot-run takes it's configuration from environment variables. All vars needs to be set, no default values are provided.

Variable name Allowed values Example Description
API_ENVIRONMENT development | production production Development mode will enable auto compiling of changed files
API_HTTP_LISTEN_IP <ipv4 address> Listen ip
API_HTTP_LISTEN_PORT 1-65535 8090 Listen port
DATA_PATH <filepath> /home/app/data/ Path to save data files (users, languages)
LOG_PATH <filepath> /home/app/log/ Path to save logs
BASE_URL <url> Base url to where the api is hosted
ADMIN_TOKEN <string> some-secret Admin token used to access the /admin endpoints
DOCKER_API_URL <url> Url to docker api (must be available through port 80 for now)
DOCKER_RUN_TIMEOUT <seconds> 30 Maximum number of seconds a container is allowed to run

Api users

An api token is required to run code. Users can be created with the /admin/users endpoint. See the api docs for more details.


Languages can be added with the /admin/languages endpoint. A language has a name, version and the name of a docker image that will be used when running code for the given language/version. See the api docs for more details.

Docker images

When a run request is posted to glot-run it will create a new temporary container from the image that handles the given language/version. The container is required to listen for a json payload on stdin and must write the run result to stdout as a json object containing the properties: stdout, stderr and error. An application that does this is glot-code-runner. Example images can be found here.

Container payload

The payload [{"name": "", "content": "print(42)"}] posted to /languages/python/latest will result in this payload being sent to the container: {"language": "python", "files": [{"name": "", "content": "print(42)"}]}. A successful run should yield this response from the container: {"stdout": "42\n", "stderr": "", "error": ""}.

Docker configuration

By default the docker api is only available through a unix socket and it needs to be configured to listen on a tcp socket. On ubuntu this can be done by adding the line DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock" to /etc/default/docker.


API for running code inside docker containers

License:MIT License


Language:Erlang 85.1%Language:Shell 14.9%