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Brython (Browser Python) is an implementation of Python 3 running in the browser

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RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

moepnse opened this issue · comments


With the latest development snapshot, I get recurring recursion errors after a long time. As far as I can see there is no recursion. Since my project code is very large, I will try to write an easier to understand issue demo that reproduces the error in the next few days.

        if self._update_system_health_subscription is None:
            self._update_system_health_subscription = window.session.subscribe(f'{target_system}.gemini', self.update_system_health_plots)
ts3>ack update_system_health_plots
235:            self._update_system_health_subscription = window.session.subscribe(f'{target_system}.gemini', self.update_system_health_plots)
237:    client def update_system_health_plots(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "?brython-version=snapshot", line 18, in onopen
    import elephas
  File "VFS.elephas/", line 68, in <module>
    from . import ui
  File "VFS.elephas.ui/", line 6, in <module>
    from . import splash
  File "", line 44, in <module>
  File "", line 43, in load_ui_plugins
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 185, in register
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 129, in register
  File "", line 177, in event_handler
    console.debug("No class handler found!")
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 144, in load_object, ev, router, params, query))
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 105, in _load_object
    router.route(template, Default(attrs))
  File "", line 77, in route
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 15, in connectedCallback
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 90, in connectedCallback
    self._initialized = True
  File "", line 65, in connectedCallback
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 90, in connectedCallback
    self._initialized = True
  File "", line 73, in connectedCallback
  File "", line 27, in connectedCallback
  File "", line 64, in _append_childs
    del self._page_content_elements
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 49, in connectedCallback
  File "", line 126, in connectedCallback
  File "", line 27, in connectedCallback
  File "", line 64, in _append_childs
    del self._page_content_elements
  File "", line 46, in append_child
  File "", line 401, in append_child
  File "", line 198, in append_child
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 42, in connectedCallback
  File "/py/elephas/plugins/ui/", line 88, in load_items
    self._load_in_progress = False
  File "", line 92, in update_system_health_plots
  File "", line 125, in new_plot
  File "", line 69, in render
  File "", line 132, in update_system_health_plots
  File "", line 119, in relayout
  File "", line 132, in update_system_health_plots
  File "", line 119, in relayout
  File "", line 132, in update_system_health_plots
  File "", line 119, in relayout
  File "", line 132, in update_system_health_plots
  File "", line 119, in relayout
  File "", line 132, in update_system_health_plots
  File "", line 119, in relayout
  File "", line 132, in update_system_health_plots
  File "", line 119, in relayout
  File "", line 98, in update_system_health_plots
  File "", line 1806, in fromtimestamp
    return cls._fromtimestamp(timestamp,tz is not None,tz)
  File "", line 1795, in _fromtimestamp
  File "", line 2417, in fromutc
    return dt+self._offset
  File "", line 2216, in __add__
  File "", line 1103, in toordinal
    return _ymd2ord(self._year,self._month,self._day)
  File "", line 73, in _ymd2ord
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
    flush http://localhost:8082/brython/snapshot/brython.js:10974
    method http://localhost:8082/brython/snapshot/brython.js:1924
    show_error http://localhost:8082/brython/snapshot/brython.js:4541
    handle_error http://localhost:8082/brython/snapshot/brython.js:4545
    <anonym> debugger eval code:1

Thanks in advance!

The issue demo below, will draw the plots flawlessly and after a while start throwing the above error. So be patient. :-)

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Required meta tags-->
        <meta charset="utf-8">

        <title>Issue Demo</title>

        <!-- Brython -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>

        <script src=""></script>

            var org_locale = Plotly.d3.locale;
            function tformat(d) {
                sec = d % (24 * 3600);
                hour = Math.floor(sec / 3600);
                sec = sec % 3600;
                min = Math.floor(sec / 60);
                sec = sec % 60;
                formated_str = String(hour).padStart(2, '0') + ":" + String(min).padStart(2, '0') + ":" + String(sec).padStart(2, '0');
                return formated_str;
            function bytesFormat(bytes) {
                if (!+bytes) return '0 Bytes'
                const k = 1024
                const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']
                const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k))
                return `${parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(2))} ${sizes[i]}`
            Plotly.d3.locale = (locale) => {
                var result = org_locale(locale);
                var org_number_format = result.numberFormat;
                result.numberFormat = (format) => {
                    if (format == 'tformat') {
                        return tformat;
                    } else if (format == "bformat") {
                        return bytesFormat;
                    return org_number_format(format);
                return result;

function subscribe(uri, callback) {
    function _call() {
        console.debug("calling callback...")
        callback({'cpu': [16.4, 9.2, 30.8, 12.3], 'mem': 46.3, 'partitions': {'C:\\': {'total': 982636294144, 'used': 239104602112}, 'D:\\': {'total': 16241389568, 'used': 14304120832}}})
    setInterval(_call, 1000)

        <script type="text/python">
from browser import webcomponent, html, window, console, document

class BaseComponent:

    _registry = []
    _initialized = False
    _logic_obj = None
    _is_container: bool = False

    def un_camel(word: str) -> str:
        upper_chars: str = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
        last_char: str = word[0]
        output: list = [last_char.lower()]
        for c in word[1:]:
            if c == "_":
            if c in upper_chars:
                if last_char not in upper_chars:
            last_char = c
        return "".join(output)

    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):

    def remove_from_registry(cls, component):
        print(cls._registry, component)
        if component in cls._registry:

    def register(cls):
        registry = cls._registry
        for web_component in registry:
            web_component_name = cls.un_camel(web_component.__name__)
            component_name = f"ui-{web_component_name}"
            console.debug(f"registering web component {web_component} as {component_name}...")
            webcomponent.define(component_name, web_component)

    def register_logic_class(self, cls):
        self._logic_class = cls
        logic_obj = cls(self)
        self._logic_obj = logic_obj

def render(target, data, layout):

class TimeSeries(BaseComponent):

    def connectedCallback(self):
        if not self._initialized:
            # container div
            self._container_div = div = document.createElement("div")
            _locals = {}
            config = self.querySelector("UI-TIME-SERIES-CONFIG")
            if config:
                bry_src = config.text
                _globals = {}
                exec(bry_src, _globals, _locals)
                data = _locals.get("data", [])
                layout = _locals.get("layout", [])
                render(self._container_div, data, layout)
            self._initialized = True

    def restyle(self, restyle_data, trace_indexes=None):
        window.Plotly.restyle(self._container_div, restyle_data, trace_indexes)

    def relayout(self, update):
        window.Plotly.relayout(self._container_div, update)

    def resize(self,):

    def new_plot(self, data, layout):
        render(self._container_div, data, layout)

    def extend_traces(self, data, plot_indexes_to_modify):
        window.Plotly.extendTraces(self._container_div, data, plot_indexes_to_modify)

    def update(self, data):
        window.Plotly.update(self._container_div, data)

class TimeSeriesConfig(BaseComponent):

class Page(BaseComponent):

class Logic(BaseComponent):

    dependencies = ("Page", "PageContent")

    def connectedCallback(self):
        if not self._initialized:
            def register_logic_class(cls):
                nonlocal parent
                if hasattr(parent, "register_logic_class"):
                    console.debug("registering logic class:", cls)
                    console.error(f"{parent} has no logic class support")
            parent = self.parentElement
            bry_src = """

            bry_src += self.text
                exec(bry_src, {"parent": parent, "register_logic_class": register_logic_class})
            except Exception as e:
            self._initialized = True

    <body onload="brython({debug: 2})">
            <ui-time-series name="ts_cpu"></ui-time-series>
            <ui-time-series name="ts_mem"></ui-time-series>
            <ui-time-series name="ts_partitions"></ui-time-series>
            <ui-logic style="display: none;">
import time
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import math

from browser import window, console, aio

class Demo:
    def __init__(self, parent):
        self._update_plot_subscription = None
        self._update_system_health_subscription = None
        self._parent = parent
        # vvvv - system healt plots
        self._ts_cpu = self._parent.querySelector("ui-time-series[name='ts_cpu']")
        self._ts_mem = self._parent.querySelector("ui-time-series[name='ts_mem']")
        self._ts_partitions = self._parent.querySelector("ui-time-series[name='ts_partitions']")
        if self._ts_cpu and self._ts_mem:
        # ^^^^

    async def init_cpu_n_mem_plot(self, target_system=None):
        target_system = ""

        color_palette: list = [ "orange", "red",
                                "green", "blue",
                                "purple", "olive",
                                "tomato", "maroon",
                                "brown", "navy",
                                "orchid", "silver",
                                "skyeblue", "palegreen"]
        self._color_palette = color_palette.copy()

        self._layout = layout = {
          'title': 'Live Stream',
          'xaxis': {
              'title': "time"
          'yaxis': {
              'title': "values"

        self._system_health_first_plot = True
        if self._update_system_health_subscription is None:
            self._update_system_health_subscription = window.subscribe(f'{target_system}.gemini', self.update_system_health_plots)

    def update_system_health_plots(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        cpu, mem, partitions = data["cpu"], data["mem"], data["partitions"].to_dict()
        cpu_count = len(cpu)
        partition_count = len(partitions)
        format_str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
        if self._system_health_first_plot == True:
            ts = time.time()
            #t = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t).strftime(format_str)
            t = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=timezone.utc).strftime(format_str)

            data_x, data_y, mem_x, mem_y, partition_x = [t]*cpu_count, cpu, [t], [mem], [t]*partition_count

            # vvvv - usage per cpu core
            columns = 2
            rows = math.ceil(cpu_count / columns)
            height = cpu_count * 200
   = f"{height}px"

            self._cpu_layout = cpu_layout = {"grid": {
                'title': 'CPU usage',
                'rows': rows,
                'columns': columns,
                'pattern': 'independent',
                'roworder': 'bottom to top'}

            color_palette = self._color_palette

            traces: list = []
            for x, y, cpu_nr, color, i in zip(data_x, data_y, range(cpu_count), color_palette, range(1, cpu_count+1)):
                trace = {
                    'type': "scatter",
                    #'mode': "lines",
                    'name': f"core {cpu_nr}",
                    'line': {'color': color},
                    'fill': 'tozeroy',
                    'fillcolor': color,
                    'x': [x],
                    'y': [y],
                    'xaxis': f'x{i}',
                    'yaxis': f'y{i}'
            console.debug("traces:", traces)
            self._ts_cpu.new_plot(traces, cpu_layout)
            # ^^^^

            # vvvv - Memory usage
            mem_layout = {
                'title': 'Memory Usage',
                'xaxis': {
                    'title': "time"
                'yaxis': {
                    'title': "Percent"

            mem_traces = [{
                'type': "scatter",
                #'mode': "lines",
                'name': "Memory usage",
                'line': {'color': "red"},
                'fill': 'tozeroy',
                'fillcolor': 'red',
                'x': mem_x,
                'y': mem_y,

            self._ts_mem.new_plot(mem_traces, mem_layout)
            # ^^^^

            # vvvv - partitions
            columns = 2
            rows = math.ceil(partition_count / columns)
            height = partition_count * 200
   = f"{height}px"

            self._partition_layout = partition_layout = {"grid": {
                'title': 'Partition usage',
                'rows': rows,
                'columns': columns,
                'pattern': 'independent',
                'roworder': 'bottom to top'}

            color_palette = self._color_palette

            traces: list = []
            for x, partition_mountpoint, partition_nr, color, i in zip(partition_x, partitions, range(partition_count), color_palette, range(1, partition_count+1)):
                partition = partitions[partition_mountpoint]
                y = partition["used"]
                trace = {
                    'type': "scatter",
                    #'mode': "lines",
                    'name': partition_mountpoint,
                    'line': {'color': color},
                    'fill': 'tozeroy',
                    'fillcolor': color,
                    'x': [x],
                    'y': [y],
                    'xaxis': f'x{i}',
                    'yaxis': f'y{i}'
            console.debug("traces:", traces)
            self._ts_partitions.new_plot(traces, partition_layout)
            # ^^^^

            self._system_health_first_plot = False
            t = time.time()

            start_time = t - 60 * 5
            end_time = t

            start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time, tz=timezone.utc).strftime(format_str)
            end_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(end_time, tz=timezone.utc).strftime(format_str)
            t = datetime.fromtimestamp(t, tz=timezone.utc).strftime(format_str)

            # vvvv- cpu usage
            data = {"x": [[t]]*cpu_count, "y": [[c] for c in cpu]}
            plot_indexes_to_modify = list(range(len(data["y"])))

            cpu_layout = self._cpu_layout

            for core in range(1, cpu_count+1):
                if core == 1:
                    xaxis = "xaxis"
                    yaxis = "yaxis"
                    xaxis = "xaxis" + str(core)
                    yaxis = "yaxis" + str(core)
                cpu_layout[xaxis] = {
                    "type": 'date',
                    "range": [start_time, end_time],
                    'title': f'CPU Usage (core {core})',
                cpu_layout[yaxis] = {
                    'title': "Percent",
                    "range": [0, 100]

            self._ts_cpu.extend_traces(data, plot_indexes_to_modify)
            # ^^^^

            # vvvv - memory usage
            mem_layout = {
                "xaxis": {
                    "type": 'date',
                    "range": [start_time, end_time],
                    'title': 'Memory Usage',
                'yaxis': {
                    'title': "Percent",
                    "range": [0, 100]

            self._ts_mem.extend_traces({"x": [[t]], "y": [[mem]]}, [0])
            # ^^^^

            # vvvv- partition usage
            data = {"x": [[t]]*partition_count, "y": [[p["used"]] for mp, p in partitions.items()]}
            plot_indexes_to_modify = list(range(len(data["y"])))

            partition_layout = self._partition_layout

            for i, mountpoint in zip(range(1, partition_count+1), partitions):
                partition = partitions[mountpoint]
                if i == 1:
                    xaxis = "xaxis"
                    yaxis = "yaxis"
                    xaxis = "xaxis" + str(i)
                    yaxis = "yaxis" + str(i)
                partition_layout[xaxis] = {
                    "type": 'date',
                    "range": [start_time, end_time],
                    'title': mountpoint,
                partition_layout[yaxis] = {
                    'title': "Used",
                    "range": [0, partition["total"]],
                    "tickformat": "bformat"

            self._ts_partitions.extend_traces(data, plot_indexes_to_modify)
            # ^^^^


The error occurs after 496 seconds.

I have tested the old 3.11 version and the error does not occur there.

According to my research, the bug is caused by this change: d9c69bd#diff-766a8e6709ecee5361c7b50b15c4290cab5e2d386ef1512be99eda2ad5521753L153-R162

I think the problem comes from the fact that the frame object is not copied, but referenced. I will take a closer look at this later.

    if(jsobj instanceof Promise || typeof jsobj.then == "function"){
        //return jsobj.then(x => jsobj2pyobj(x)).catch($B.handle_error)
        // save frame obj and restore it on resolve / reject
        var save_frame_obj = $B.frame_obj // Creates a reference, not a copy
        jsobj.$frame_obj = $B.frame_obj
        return jsobj.then(function(x){
            $B.frame_obj = save_frame_obj
            return jsobj2pyobj(x)
            $B.frame_obj = save_frame_obj
            throw $B.exception(err)

Looks like my guess was wrong. The function relayout of Plotly returns a Promise object, which is not expected in my example and leads to the error after a while.

Unfortunately I don't have a solution yet.

Hello !

I don't think the issue is related to Brython. Previous releases might have shadowed the consequences, but the cause is the program logic, where asynchronous and synchronous code are mixed in a way that is likely to cause errors.

Here the root of the problem is that Plotly.relayout returns a Promise, and it is not handled as such : it is called (and not awaited) inside update_system_health_plots() through calls to method .relayout() of various objects, and update_system_health_plots itself is synchronous.

Moreover, update_system_health_plots is called repeatedly inside a setInterval, which itself calls (and not awaits) the function.

I modified your code in a few places and it now works without errors for hundreds of cycles (I stopped around 1500):

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Required meta tags-->
        <meta charset="utf-8">

        <title>Issue Demo</title>

        <!-- Brython -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

            var org_locale = Plotly.d3.locale;

            function tformat(d) {
                sec = d % (24 * 3600);
                hour = Math.floor(sec / 3600);
                sec = sec % 3600;
                min = Math.floor(sec / 60);
                sec = sec % 60;
                formated_str = String(hour).padStart(2, '0') + ":" + String(min).padStart(2, '0') + ":" + String(sec).padStart(2, '0');
                return formated_str;

            function bytesFormat(bytes) {
                if (!+bytes) return '0 Bytes'

                const k = 1024
                const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']

                const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k))

                return `${parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(2))} ${sizes[i]}`

            Plotly.d3.locale = (locale) => {
                var result = org_locale(locale);
                var org_number_format = result.numberFormat;
                result.numberFormat = (format) => {
                    if (format == 'tformat') {
                        return tformat;
                    } else if (format == "bformat") {
                        return bytesFormat;
                    return org_number_format(format);
                return result;

        <script type="text/python">
from browser import webcomponent, html, window, console, document, timer

class BaseComponent:

    _registry = []
    _initialized = False
    _logic_obj = None
    _is_container: bool = False

    def un_camel(word: str) -> str:
        upper_chars: str = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
        last_char: str = word[0]
        output: list = [last_char.lower()]
        for c in word[1:]:
            if c == "_":
            if c in upper_chars:
                if last_char not in upper_chars:
            last_char = c
        return "".join(output)

    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):

    def remove_from_registry(cls, component):
        print(cls._registry, component)
        if component in cls._registry:

    def register(cls):
        registry = cls._registry
        for web_component in registry:
            web_component_name = cls.un_camel(web_component.__name__)
            component_name = f"ui-{web_component_name}"
            console.debug(f"registering web component {web_component} as {component_name}...")
            webcomponent.define(component_name, web_component)

    def register_logic_class(self, cls):
        self._logic_class = cls
        logic_obj = cls(self)
        self._logic_obj = logic_obj

def render(target, data, layout):

class TimeSeries(BaseComponent):

    def connectedCallback(self):
        if not self._initialized:
            # container div
            self._container_div = div = document.createElement("div")
            _locals = {}
            config = self.querySelector("UI-TIME-SERIES-CONFIG")
            if config:
                bry_src = config.text
                _globals = {}
                exec(bry_src, _globals, _locals)
                data = _locals.get("data", [])
                layout = _locals.get("layout", [])
                render(self._container_div, data, layout)
            self._initialized = True

    def restyle(self, restyle_data, trace_indexes=None):
        window.Plotly.restyle(self._container_div, restyle_data, trace_indexes)

    def relayout(self, update):
        return window.Plotly.relayout(self._container_div, update)

    def resize(self,):

    def new_plot(self, data, layout):
        render(self._container_div, data, layout)

    def extend_traces(self, data, plot_indexes_to_modify):
        window.Plotly.extendTraces(self._container_div, data, plot_indexes_to_modify)

    def update(self, data):
        window.Plotly.update(self._container_div, data)

class TimeSeriesConfig(BaseComponent):

class Page(BaseComponent):

class Logic(BaseComponent):

    dependencies = ("Page", "PageContent")

    def connectedCallback(self):
        if not self._initialized:
            def register_logic_class(cls):
                nonlocal parent
                if hasattr(parent, "register_logic_class"):
                    console.debug("registering logic class:", cls)
                    console.error(f"{parent} has no logic class support")
            parent = self.parentElement
            bry_src = """

            bry_src += self.text
                exec(bry_src, {"parent": parent, "register_logic_class": register_logic_class})
            except Exception as e:
            self._initialized = True

    <body onload="brython({debug: 2})">
            <ui-time-series name="ts_cpu"></ui-time-series>
            <ui-time-series name="ts_mem"></ui-time-series>
            <ui-time-series name="ts_partitions"></ui-time-series>
            <ui-logic style="display: none;">
import time
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import math

from browser import window, console, aio

async def subscribe(uri, callback):
    async def _call():
        print('calling callback...')
        await callback({'cpu': [16.4, 9.2, 30.8, 12.3], 'mem': 46.3, 'partitions': {'C:\\': {'total': 982636294144, 'used': 239104602112}, 'D:\\': {'total': 16241389568, 'used': 14304120832}}})
    while True:
        await _call()
        await aio.sleep(0.1)

class Demo:
    def __init__(self, parent):
        self._update_plot_subscription = None
        self._update_system_health_subscription = None
        self._parent = parent
        # vvvv - system healt plots
        self._ts_cpu = self._parent.querySelector("ui-time-series[name='ts_cpu']")
        self._ts_mem = self._parent.querySelector("ui-time-series[name='ts_mem']")
        self._ts_partitions = self._parent.querySelector("ui-time-series[name='ts_partitions']")
        if self._ts_cpu and self._ts_mem:
        # ^^^^

    async def init_cpu_n_mem_plot(self, target_system=None):
        target_system = ""

        color_palette: list = [ "orange", "red",
                                "green", "blue",
                                "purple", "olive",
                                "tomato", "maroon",
                                "brown", "navy",
                                "orchid", "silver",
                                "skyeblue", "palegreen"]
        self._color_palette = color_palette.copy()

        self._layout = layout = {
          'title': 'Live Stream',
          'xaxis': {
              'title': "time"
          'yaxis': {
              'title': "values"

        self._system_health_first_plot = True
        if self._update_system_health_subscription is None:
            self._update_system_health_subscription ='{target_system}.gemini', self.update_system_health_plots))

    async def update_system_health_plots(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        cpu, mem, partitions = data["cpu"], data["mem"], data["partitions"]
        cpu_count = len(cpu)
        partition_count = len(partitions)
        format_str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
        if self._system_health_first_plot == True:
            ts = time.time()
            #t = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t).strftime(format_str)
            t = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=timezone.utc).strftime(format_str)

            data_x, data_y, mem_x, mem_y, partition_x = [t]*cpu_count, cpu, [t], [mem], [t]*partition_count

            # vvvv - usage per cpu core
            columns = 2
            rows = math.ceil(cpu_count / columns)
            height = cpu_count * 200
   = f"{height}px"

            self._cpu_layout = cpu_layout = {"grid": {
                'title': 'CPU usage',
                'rows': rows,
                'columns': columns,
                'pattern': 'independent',
                'roworder': 'bottom to top'}

            color_palette = self._color_palette

            traces: list = []

            for x, y, cpu_nr, color, i in zip(data_x, data_y, range(cpu_count), color_palette, range(1, cpu_count+1)):
                trace = {
                    'type': "scatter",
                    #'mode': "lines",
                    'name': f"core {cpu_nr}",
                    'line': {'color': color},
                    'fill': 'tozeroy',
                    'fillcolor': color,
                    'x': [x],
                    'y': [y],
                    'xaxis': f'x{i}',
                    'yaxis': f'y{i}'
            console.debug("traces:", traces)
            self._ts_cpu.new_plot(traces, cpu_layout)
            # ^^^^

            # vvvv - Memory usage
            mem_layout = {
                'title': 'Memory Usage',
                'xaxis': {
                    'title': "time"
                'yaxis': {
                    'title': "Percent"

            mem_traces = [{
                'type': "scatter",
                #'mode': "lines",
                'name': "Memory usage",
                'line': {'color': "red"},
                'fill': 'tozeroy',
                'fillcolor': 'red',
                'x': mem_x,
                'y': mem_y,

            self._ts_mem.new_plot(mem_traces, mem_layout)
            # ^^^^

            # vvvv - partitions
            columns = 2
            rows = math.ceil(partition_count / columns)
            height = partition_count * 200
   = f"{height}px"

            self._partition_layout = partition_layout = {"grid": {
                'title': 'Partition usage',
                'rows': rows,
                'columns': columns,
                'pattern': 'independent',
                'roworder': 'bottom to top'}

            color_palette = self._color_palette

            traces: list = []

            for x, partition_mountpoint, partition_nr, color, i in zip(partition_x, partitions, range(partition_count), color_palette, range(1, partition_count+1)):
                partition = partitions[partition_mountpoint]
                y = partition["used"]
                trace = {
                    'type': "scatter",
                    #'mode': "lines",
                    'name': partition_mountpoint,
                    'line': {'color': color},
                    'fill': 'tozeroy',
                    'fillcolor': color,
                    'x': [x],
                    'y': [y],
                    'xaxis': f'x{i}',
                    'yaxis': f'y{i}'
            console.debug("traces:", traces)
            self._ts_partitions.new_plot(traces, partition_layout)
            # ^^^^

            self._system_health_first_plot = False
            t = time.time()

            start_time = t - 60 * 5
            end_time = t

            start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time, tz=timezone.utc).strftime(format_str)
            end_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(end_time, tz=timezone.utc).strftime(format_str)
            t = datetime.fromtimestamp(t, tz=timezone.utc).strftime(format_str)

            # vvvv- cpu usage
            data = {"x": [[t]]*cpu_count, "y": [[c] for c in cpu]}
            plot_indexes_to_modify = list(range(len(data["y"])))

            cpu_layout = self._cpu_layout

            for core in range(1, cpu_count+1):
                if core == 1:
                    xaxis = "xaxis"
                    yaxis = "yaxis"
                    xaxis = "xaxis" + str(core)
                    yaxis = "yaxis" + str(core)
                cpu_layout[xaxis] = {
                    "type": 'date',
                    "range": [start_time, end_time],
                    'title': f'CPU Usage (core {core})',
                cpu_layout[yaxis] = {
                    'title': "Percent",
                    "range": [0, 100]

            await self._ts_cpu.relayout(cpu_layout)
            self._ts_cpu.extend_traces(data, plot_indexes_to_modify)
            # ^^^^

            # vvvv - memory usage
            mem_layout = {
                "xaxis": {
                    "type": 'date',
                    "range": [start_time, end_time],
                    'title': 'Memory Usage',
                'yaxis': {
                    'title': "Percent",
                    "range": [0, 100]

            await self._ts_mem.relayout(mem_layout)
            self._ts_mem.extend_traces({"x": [[t]], "y": [[mem]]}, [0])
            # ^^^^

            # vvvv- partition usage
            data = {"x": [[t]]*partition_count, "y": [[p["used"]] for mp, p in partitions.items()]}
            plot_indexes_to_modify = list(range(len(data["y"])))

            partition_layout = self._partition_layout

            for i, mountpoint in zip(range(1, partition_count+1), partitions):
                partition = partitions[mountpoint]
                if i == 1:
                    xaxis = "xaxis"
                    yaxis = "yaxis"
                    xaxis = "xaxis" + str(i)
                    yaxis = "yaxis" + str(i)
                partition_layout[xaxis] = {
                    "type": 'date',
                    "range": [start_time, end_time],
                    'title': mountpoint,
                partition_layout[yaxis] = {
                    'title': "Used",
                    "range": [0, partition["total"]],
                    "tickformat": "bformat"

            await self._ts_partitions.relayout(partition_layout)
            self._ts_partitions.extend_traces(data, plot_indexes_to_modify)
            # ^^^^


The main changes are:

  • all the calls to .relayout methods are awaited
  • update_system_health_plots is made asynchronous
  • subscribe is rewritten (in Python instead of Javascript) as an asynchronous function, invoked through in init_cpu_n_mem_plot
  • instead of timer.set_interval, the infinite loop is created with the usual while True: block where the call to update_system_health_plots is awaited, and the interval is performed by await aio.sleep()

Hello @PierreQuentel Pierre, first of all thanks for your effort!

Apparently I did not explain my example code well enough. The JavaScript part is intentionally written in JavaScript and has replaced a JS library, which would have unnecessarily increased the complexity of the example. Initially I thought that this was necessary to cause the error.

I keep trying to learn more about the interpreter and solve errors myself, but unfortunately I don't have enough time at the moment to study it in detail.

The error on my part is due to the Plotly documentation not mentioning that a Promise object is returned here and I have not inspected this sufficiently.

Even if the Promise object is not awaited, I don't think there should be a RecurssionsError.

In a similar bug report, I have attached a build that contains a change I made that does not result in a ReccursionsError. I am still testing if there are no unwanted side effects.

You can find the customized version here: #2411 (comment)

I will upload the change in a separate branch later so that you can have a look at it.

Have a nice evening. 🙂

Hi @PierreQuentel, I have created a branch (fix_2390_and_2411) that contains a possible fix. Can you please check if I have overlooked something and if the change is in your interest?

Thanks a lot!

Yes, the change is ok and also fixes issue #2411, great ! Can you submit a Pull Request ?

Thanks again @moepnse !