bryandlee / animegan2-pytorch

PyTorch implementation of AnimeGANv2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Documentation: what is this thing?

Zackrobat opened this issue · comments

I stumbled upon this project and looked at the documentation, hoping to find out what it was. I expected that at the very top, there would be something like, "animegan2-pytorch is a _____________ that does ______________.

Nothing. There's usage information, and some weird sample images that don't say anything about what this project actually does. I suspect it has something to do with faces.

Seriously. The first thing someone should see when they visit this page is a sentence or two about what the project actually is and what it does.

The official project page gives more detail about the AnimeGAN models. HTH


The HuggingFace page helps as well:

I mean the first page is literally a GIF of what it does, as well as detailed torch hub usage instructions below. Even if this issue is outdated, just having 2 pictures side by side tells you it's most likely image to image translation (the pytorch and GAN tags also help here). There are tons of FOSS projects much more popular than this one with not even a clue in the readme.

Some ppl just like to be annoying smh.