brutella / hkcam

Open-Source HomeKit Surveillance Camera

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"404 Page not found" error on visiting Web Interface

freumichCH opened this issue · comments


I'm getting a 404 Error on visiting the web interface.
Issuing netstat shows following:

root@raspberrypi:~# netstat -tuplen | grep hkcam
tcp6       0      0 :::8081                 :::*                    LISTEN      0          21483      776/hkcam           
udp        0      0  *                           0          21484      776/hkcam           
udp6       0      0 :::5353                 :::*                                0          21488      776/hkcam       

Start command looks like following:
./hkcam -data_dir=/var/lib/hkcam/data -multi_stream=true -port=8081 -verbose

Can someone lead me in the right direction to solve this issue? Unfortunately i have no experience in golang.

Thanks in advance!

Same here.. 404 page not found.
I DHCP the pi on my router so I'm sure of it's IP address and double checked the port.
Gandalf is still in the way ! -_-

Any idea of what I'm missing ?

I'm seeing the same. I've tried:


but I always get

404 page not found

This is the verbose logging:

sudo ./hkcam -data_dir=/var/lib/hkcam/data -multi_stream=true -port=8080 -verbose
INFO 2023/04/30 16:02:12 main.go:73: version v0.1.0 (built at 2022-03-04T21:28:23Z+0100)
DEBUG 2023/04/30 16:02:12 camera_control.go:194: {"assets":[]}
DEBUG 2023/04/30 16:02:12 server.go:208: listening at [::]:8080
DEBUG 2023/04/30 16:02:23 logger.go:161: "GET http://candle.local:8080/ HTTP/1.1" from - 404 19B in 87.291µs
DEBUG 2023/04/30 16:02:23 logger.go:161: "GET http://candle.local:8080/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" from - 404 19B in 56.77µs
DEBUG 2023/04/30 16:02:37 logger.go:161: "GET http://candle.local:8080/index.html HTTP/1.1" from - 404 19B in 57.291µs

The directory is made:

ls /var/lib/hkcam/data
configHash  keypair  schema  uuid  version
  • Camera is a popular Logitech HD camera that is well supported.
  • The 99 loopback camera exists
  • Raspberry Pi 3 with 32 bit Raspberry Pi OS

I've facing the same issue :(

This is old(ish) issue thread, but have to ask.
@flatsiedatsie did you get this 404 (on IPv4) resolved?

Or anyone, you may chip in?

@tinopucci I believe I ended up going a different route in the end, sorry.