brunon80 / expo-image-crop

Crop and rotate image without detach your expo project!

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Doesn't work with new function based React.useState approach

goodwill opened this issue · comments

I think due to the lifecycle design of the component, somehow this doesn't work with the const [stateName,changeStateFunction]=React.useState(default) approach, the state just not changeable even I call the change state function. Please consider refactor.

Hi @goodwill not sure what exact functionality you may be referring to but at least the example code can be converted into functional component.

Sample code for everyone

// @ts-ignore
import { ImageManipulator } from 'expo-image-crop'
import React, { useState } from 'react';

export default function Crop() {
    const [isVisible, setisVisible] = useState(true);
    const [ uri, setUri] = useState('')

    function onToggleModal(photo)  {

    return (
                        photo={{ uri }}
                        onPictureChoosed={({ uri: uriM }) => setUri(uriM)}
                        onToggleModal = {() => {onToggleModal(uri)}}


UPDATE: The code was updated in Oct 2020 so may have been refactored since.