brunon80 / expo-image-crop

Crop and rotate image without detach your expo project!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ImageManipulator not clearing recent images.

DrunkOldDog opened this issue · comments

Hi! I'm new in React Native so sorry if it's my ignorance. Well I've found an issue that is really disturbing me, I've an app that you can upload various images. The problem is that when I want to crop the second image, the ImageManipulator component shows me the first image! But an image viewer that is in the same return as the ImageManipulator shows me the right image.

This is happening on a physical IPhone 8 and in a HTC M9 with Android 7.

The code:
photo={{uri: image.uri}}
btnTexts={{crop: 'Cortar', rotate: 'Rotar', done: 'Listo', processing: 'Listo'}}
onPictureChoosed={uriM => setImage({ uri: uriM })}
onToggleModal={() => onToggleModal()}

<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => setVisible(true)}>
<Image source={{uri: image.uri}} style={styles.imagePortrait} />

And a screens of the issue so you can see whats happening: