brunon80 / expo-image-crop

Crop and rotate image without detach your expo project!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

onPictureChoosed return Base64?

ugene123 opened this issue · comments

Hey, thanks for creating this. This isn't an issue but more of a suggestion - can you make it so onPictureChoosed also returns the cropped image base64 value?

It would be very helpful to have both uri and base64.

I know you can set ImageManipulator.manipulateAsync() to return base64 so I don't think this should be too much to ask for :)

Thank you

try this code when you wait update
let base64_str = await FileSystem.readAsStringAsync( uri, { encoding: FileSystem.EncodingType.Base64 });

Hi, on version 0.2.13 onPictureChoosed now returns a base64, check readme to see new options