BrunoCartier / circles

A lightweight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Lightwheight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG. Now with animation.

Get Started

  1. Get the library
  2. Install all the dependencies, run npm install
  3. Once you have the dependencies installed, run grunt from the project directory. This will run the default grunt task which will minify circles.js to circles.min.js


Include the circles.js or circles.min.js file in your HTML file. There are no dependencies.

Create a placeholder div in your HTML:

<div class="circle" id="circles-1"></div>

Create a graph by calling, the id should match id of the placeholder


var myCircle = Circles.create({
	id:         'circles-1',
	radius:     60,
	value:      43,
	maxValue:   100,
	width:      10,
	text:       function(value){return value + '%';},
	colors:     ['#D3B6C6', '#4B253A'],
	duration: 	400,
	wrpClass:	'circles-wrp',
	textClass:	'circles-text'


  • id - the DOM element that will hold the graph
  • radius - the radius of the circles
  • value - init value of the circle (optional, defaults to 0)
  • maxValue - maximum value of the circle (optional, defaults to 100)
  • width - the width of the ring (optional, has value 10, if not specified)
  • number - the number to display at the center of the graph (optional, the percentage will show if not specified)
  • text - the text to display at the center of the graph (optional, the current "htmlified" value will be shown if not specified) if null or an empty string, no text will be displayed can also be a function: the returned value will be the displayed text
//Ex. 1
function(currentValue) {
return '$'+currentValue;
//Ex. 2
function() {
return this.getPercent() + '%';
  • colors - an array of colors, with the first item coloring the full circle (optional, it will be ['#EEE', '#F00'] if not specified)
  • duration - value in ms of animation's duration; defaults to 500; if 0 or null is passed, the animation will not run.
  • wrpClass - class name to apply on the generated element wrapping the whole circle.
  • textClass - class name to apply on the generated element wrapping the text content.


myCircle.updateRadius(Number radius)

Regenerates the circle with the given radius (see spec/responsive.html for an example on how to create a responsive circle).

myCircle.updateWidth(Number width)

Regenerates the circle with the given width

myCircle.updateColors(Array colors)

Change colors used to draw the circle.

myCircle.update(Number value [, Number duration])

Set the value of the circle to value. Animation will take duration ms to execute. If no duration is given, default duration set in constructor will be used. If you don't want animation, set duration to 0.

myCircle.update(Boolean force)

Force the redrawing of the circle if force is set to true. Do nothing otherwise.


Returns the percentage value of the circle, based on its current value and its max value.


Returns the value of the circle.


Returns the max value of the circle.

myCircle.getValueFromPercent(Number percentage)

Returns the corresponding value of the circle based on its max value and given percentage.

myCircle.htmlifyNumber(Number number[, integerPartClass, decimalPartClass])

Returned HTML representation of given number with given classes names applied on tags. Default value of integerPartClass is circles-integer. Default value of decimalPartClass is circles-decimals.


The styles have been specified inline to avoid external dependencies. But they can be overriden via CSS easily, being simply HTML elements.

To help with this, a few CSS classes have been exposed:

  • circles-wrp - the element wrapping the whole circle
  • circles-text - the element wrapping text content

You can overwritte these classes by sending properties wrpClass and/or textClass to the constructor.


Browsers that support SVG.


  • Firefox 3+
  • Chrome 4+
  • Safari 3.2+
  • Opera 9+
  • IE9 +


  • iOS Safari 3.2+
  • Android Browser 3+
  • Opera Mobile 10+
  • Chrome for Android 18+
  • Firefox for Android 15+



Code and ideas borrowed by:


Circles is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.


  • 0.0.5 Rethink a bit the way the library is working + add some public methods.
  • 0.0.4 Exposes generate(radius) to regenerate the circle, opening it to responsiveness.
  • 0.0.3 Allow adding extra text to the graph (issue 3). Round integers during animation.
  • 0.0.2 Add animation.
  • 0.0.1 First release.


A lightweight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%