brunjlar / letters-frp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains the code presented at the Regensburg Haskell Meetup on April 21, 2020, on FRP and additional examples for vty, the "simple terminal UI library", and Reactive Banana, a nice Haskell FRP library.

  • meetup is the code from our live-coding session.
  • letters is an implementation of the "letters" game.
  • hello-vty is a hello-world program for vty (without FRP).
  • counter-vty is a simple counter written with vty (and again without FRP).
  • counter-banana is the same counter, but using Reactive Banana.
  • counter is the same, but using the library module Reactive.Banana.Vty.
  • die is an example of how to use randomness.
  • Reactive.Banana.Vty is a little library automating hooking up Reactive Banana with vty.

You can build the code using stack with stack build and execute the example programs with stack exec <program name>. Program letters takes an optional additional argument, the name of a text-file containing words to use for the game.


License:MIT License


Language:Haskell 100.0%