browserslist / browserslist

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Should I be able to use "extends @company/reponame/browserslist-config"

boucodes opened this issue · comments

Hello! I ran into an issue after publishing our Browserslist configs and referencing them as such:


I found these issues:

And they fall within the the same issue as I am having. I'm wondering if it would be possible to update SCOPED_CONFIG__PATTERN to

var SCOPED_CONFIG__PATTERN = @[^/]+(?:\/[^/]+)?\/browserslist-config(?:-|$|\/)

I can create the pr if it helps!

Thank you!

Why don't you want to create a separated package for that?

Using the big all-in package, I think, is not in the spirit of npm and prevent other to use your config.

Valid question! I work for a public service that has a dozen of repos. The repos we are placing the configs in manages the standardized configs for every other repos. We've had that pattern for much longer than I have been working here, I can't imagine things changing. As we are a public service, this isn't for profit, but it's not a public repo.

Yes, send PR

Fixed by #816

Released in 4.22.3.

Thank you!