brownplt / B2T2

The Brown Benchmark for Table Types (B2T2)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wrong Department ID in emplyees example table?

michel-steuwer opened this issue · comments


the employees table at: contains the value 32 as a Department ID which is not present in the departments table. This is not the case in the linked source: where the 32 is a 33.

I wanted to check if this is a deliberate choice (and if so, what the rationale is) or a mistake.

I stumbled across this when my prototype implementation reported this as a type error.

The 32 is indeed a typo. Thanks for catching it!

We plan to fix the typo, release a new version of B2T2, and notify other contributors.

But first, would you please fix the typo locally and keep working on your prototype implementation? We're all very impressed that your prototype caught this typo as a type error --- it's a kind of error we hadn't imagined! And it makes us wonder whether you'll find other errors further down in the API or in the example programs & errors. Ideally we'd like to fix those all together before notifying people.