bronson / error_page_assets

Let the asset pipeline generate your static error pages.

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How to use layout?

TroySK opened this issue · comments

With Rails 5. This might describe the technique: . I should include an example. Leaving this issue open to remind myself.

Also, I've been meaning to clean this gem up. It works OK now, but it could be a more general & useful. I'm not maintaining any Rails apps right now so it's kinda hard to find the time. Bug me in a few weeks if I forget. (which I probably will...)

I use layouts to handle complex partials, like a header with multiple states, and I just worked around this issue by booting my own Rails view instance inside the template:

<% renderer =, {}) %>
<%= renderer.render(file: '/_header.html.erb', locals: {className: 'fixed'}) %>

Works like a charm.