brigand / fast-nvm-fish

a wrapper around node version manager for fish shell with good performance

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

.nvmrc support for `nvm use`

piotrwitek opened this issue · comments

when invoking nvm use with .nvmrc got the following error:

> nvm use                                                                         13:53:05
Array index out of bounds
~/.config/fish/functions/ (line 9): 		set -l target_version $argv[2]
in function 'nvm-fast'
	called on line 98 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/
	with parameter list 'use'

in function 'nvm'
	called on standard input
	with parameter list 'use'

No version installed for , run nvm install
Installed versions:
 - /Users/piotrek/.nvm/versions/node/v6.10.2
 - /Users/piotrek/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0
  • .nvmrc file contents


He's actually maintaining but just ignoring this issue (i.e. the entire reason nvm is useful). :^)

@corysimmons a more productive comment would have been "Hey, could this be done now?", but instead you decided to assume bad intent and call the project useless.

I don't remember seeing this issue before now. It seems like a fine thing to support, but I have less interest in doing open source when people are rude.

If you would like to make this project "useful", please send a PR.

I never rly thought of it like that🤔💭 .