brettwooldridge / SparseBitSet

An efficient sparse bit set implementation for Java

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please use the standard formatting for the ASL 2.0 license

nsoft opened this issue · comments

Reformatting the license makes it tedious to verify that it actually is a verbatim copy of the ASL 2.0 license. Using the exact format it was published in originally makes it easy to compare both visually and programmatically. For large projects with hundreds of dependencies this can be very valuable, eliminating the need for a human to read through it (ran into this on a project that has 300+ licenses to sort out).

Also, since it is a legal document changing the way it is presented (i.e. converting the first part of some paragraphs to separate headings, combining some paragraphs and removing some section numbers as you have done) may change something legally. I am not a lawyer, so I can't really judge if these changes could change meaning, but if you just use the standard format it is a known quantity and there's nothing to judge. is the canonical source in text format.

If you do intend to modify something that's fine of course, and entirely up to you, but the name of the license should be changed to alert folks to that.