brettwooldridge / SansOrm

A "No-ORM" sane SQL ←→ Java object mapping library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Library not available in maven central repos

deinlandel opened this issue · comments

Thanks for your impressive work.

I would like to try your library.
Mostly its ability to map ResultSet to object in conjunction with gorgeus SqlObject API of another SQL library, JDBI (unfortunately, it has very poor object mapping capabilities).

But unfortunately I cannot find it in any central repos. Even beta or alpha version. Please publish your library in maven repos, it will make installation process easier and will certainly boost library's popularity.

P.S. Sorry for my english.

I'll publish the library to the maven central repo tonight (I'm in Tokyo). Unfortunately, because I already have a central maven repository account setup under a different "domain" name, I am going to change the package name of SansORM from org.sansorm to com.zaxxer.sansorm ... I apologize if this causes any changes in your code. I'll post back to this issue when the library has been published.

The release has be pushed to the maven central repository:


It may take up to 6 hours after this comment for the replication to the repository to complete.