brettrann / workstation-bootstrap

My r10k/puppet based workstation bootstrapping and configuration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Customization
  4. Setup
  5. Usage
  6. Reference
  7. Testing


This is my example of r10k-based Puppet management for my personal workstations (desktop and laptop). It aims to let me configure my personal boxes with Puppet, and maintain more or less the same environment (installed packages, configuration) on both/all of them.

This is intended to be a generic framework for anyone who wants to use Puppet to manage their workstation's configuration. The project provides some sane (though opinionated) defaults, and instructions for how to change them. The defaults are geared towards Arch Linux, but the core in this repository can be used for any distribution, or just as an example/starting point.

The general concept is that this repository holds a Puppetfile for use with r10k, a site.pp main manifest (currently just used to setup the top-scope things needed for puppetlabs-firewall), your Hiera data, and some support scripts to set things up and keep them running smoothly. You simply need to modify the Puppetfile and Hiera data and start using it!


WARNING: If you run this project unmodified on an existing machine, it WILL do very bad things. It's recommended that you:

  1. Run this on a brand new machine, and review all upstream changes before running again.
  2. Carefully review the defaults to determine if they're acceptable to you.



To use this, you'll need:

  • A working OS install
  • puppet (4x; the current version in the Arch repo), r10k (see below) and git installed
  • A text editor of your choice (usable without a GUI / X environment)

Distro-specific instructions follow.

###Arch Linux

  1. Do a default, base install of Arch (i.e. see instructions in puppet-archlinux-macbookretina or the Arch Installation Guide, or documenting my latest desktop machine build/install).
  2. If you're on a HiDPI display like a MacBook Retina, you may want to increase the console font size, i.e. setfont sun12x22
  3. Find your network interface name (ip addr) and get DHCP: systemctl start dhcpcd@<interface name>, or get connectivity howerver else you want. You should now have an IP address, and networking should work (i.e. ping
  4. if desired, pacman -S openssh && systemctl start sshd so you can work remotely
  5. Make sure everything is up to date: pacman -Syu
  6. Install Puppet and some packages required to build ruby things: pacman -S base-devel puppet git lsb-release
  7. Install r10k. It's currently not in the Arch packages repo or included in the Arch puppet package; for the time being, you can find the PKGBUILDs that I use for r10k and its dependencies in my arch-pkgbuilds GitHub repo, or you can use my built packages via the following pacman repo configuration (append to the end of /etc/pacman.conf):
SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
Server =
  1. If you're going to be using a private puppet module, setup SSH keys for the root user and add them to your GitHub account (either as keys for your user, or deploy keys on the repository).


Here's how to make this project do what you want:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Edit puppet/Puppetfile to contain all of the modules that you need.
  3. Edit the files under puppet/hiera/ to do what you need. See below for more information.
  4. Edit puppet/manifests/site.pp as needed, though the default should be acceptable for most people.
  5. Commit and push your changes.

The Reference section below describes what this project provides by default, what you have to change, and some of the common things you may want to change.

###Hiera Data

Aside from the list of modules you require in your Puppetfile, the rest of the configuration resides in Hiera data, including the list of classes to apply to each node. This makes it easier to separate the upstream code for this repository from your own configuration.

In addition to the usual binding of values to keys (class parameters), the Hiera data also determines which classes to apply based on the values in the classes and exclude_classes arrays. These are utilized in site.pp. The classes and exclude_classes arrays are pulled in using Array merging, meaning that rather than stopping at the first instance found in the hierarchy, Hiera/Puppet will merge all instances of the respective arrays from all data sources into one. The classes array determines the classes that will be applied to a node; any classes in exclude_classes will be removed from the final classes list before applying to the node.

If you're OK with the defaults (such as my archlinux_macbookretina module on Arch Linux MacBooks and archlinux_workstation on any Arch Linux machine), you should only need to update the values in user_config.yaml.

If you want to remove my archlinux_macbookretina module, for example, add the following to user_config.yaml:

  - archlinux_macbookretina

###Sensitive Information

Most users will have some sensitive information that they want on their machine (SSH keys, API credentials, personal information) and don't want in a public GitHub repository. There are three simple methods of handling this:

  1. Create a puppet module in a private GitHub repository that contains your sensitive configuration, dotfiles, etc. This is how I manage my personal configuration (hence the references to my 'privatepuppet' module).
  2. Manage your user-specific information in a puppet module that's stored locally (and deployed however you want), using r10k's local module support.
  3. Duplicate your fork of the upstream repository and make it private. This is the last option, as it makes it more difficult to pull in upstream changes or see what's changed upstream since you created the fork.


To set up the project on one of your own machines:

  1. cd /etc/puppetlabs/code
  2. git clone workstation-bootstrap (or your fork, if you made one)
  3. cd workstation-bootstrap
  4. ./bin/
  5. Deploy the modules with r10k and then run Puppet: ./bin/ Assuming you're running under Arch Linux and using my archlinux_workstation module, you'll want to do this either in a screen session or redirect the output to a file; at some point in the run, Xorg and SDDM will start up and your display will turn graphical. You can either login or use Ctrl + Alt + F2 to get to a text console. If puppet dies when the sddm service starts, just re-run it.
  6. After the initial run, set the password for your newly-created user and then reboot.
  7. Log in as your user.


  • To run the r10k deploy, ./bin/
  • To run puppet on site.pp, ./bin/
  • To run r10k and then puppet, ./bin/
  • To find the value of a given key in the current Hiera data, ./bin/ KEY_NAME

./bin/ and ./bin/ will add any command-line arguments that you specify to the puppet command before the path to site.pp.


###site.pp manifest

site.pp contains the code which must be run in a top scope.

At this moment, what this code does is:

  • Setup for the puppetlabs-firewall module as documented in its readme.
  • Include classes via Hiera data.

###workstation_bootstrap module

This module has two classes, workstation_bootstrap::firewall_pre and workstation_bootstrap::firewall_post, which do setup of Firewall module rules.

This module currently lives in modules/workstation_bootstrap, as a workaround until r10k 2.1.0+ is released containing the fix for RK-149 which will allow us to keep a local module in the moduledir.


By default, the Puppetfile also includes my personal "privatepuppet" module. You should comment this out or replace it with your own personal module(s).


The Hiera hierarchy used is as follows:

  • defaults.yaml - default configuration and classes
  • osfamily/Archlinux.yaml - include archlinux-workstation class on Arch Linux
  • osfamily_productname/Archlinux_MacBookPro10,1.yaml and osfamily_productname/Archlinux_MacBookPro11,4.yaml - include archlinux_macbookretina
  • user_config.yaml - user-specific settings, such as your login username, and preference-related configuration; ideally, this should be the only file changed by users customizing this project


A Vagrantfile is provided that spins up an Arch Linux VM with puppet installed, suitable for testing your configuration. There's also testing with rspec-puppet, but note that there are a LOT of hacky workarounds to get it to work with this code (which isn't really a module, and makes heavy use of site.pp).


My r10k/puppet based workstation bootstrapping and configuration

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Ruby 77.8%Language:Shell 12.1%Language:Puppet 10.1%