brettgullan / rendition

A library of React UI components

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A library of UI components, built using React, recompose, styled-components and styled-system.

Table of Contents


npm install --save rendition


Wrap your application in the Provider component and start using components!

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Button, Box, Provider } from 'rendition';

    <Box my={3} mx={['auto', 15]}>
      <Button primary emphasized>Click me</Button>


For an interactive demo of all components, see


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Name Type Default Required Description
primary boolean - - If true, use the primary theme color
secondary boolean - - If true, use the secondary theme color
tertiary boolean - - If true, use the tertiary theme color
quarternary boolean - - If true, use the quarternary theme color
danger boolean - - If true, use the danger theme color
warning boolean - - If true, use the warning theme color
success boolean - - If true, use the success theme color
info boolean - - If true, use the info theme color
emphasized boolean - - If true, use the use bolder colors and a larger size
plaintext boolean - - If true, the alert will be rendered without a border or a background
prefix JSX.Element | string | false - - Set a prefix on the alert message, if this prop is set to false, the default prefix will not be shown
onDismiss () => void - - A function that is called when dismissing an alert


A slider input that is displayed as an arc. This component will scale in size to fit it's container. A label can be added by placing a child element inside this component.

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Name Type Default Required Description
onValueChange (value: number) => void - - A function that is called when the slider value changes, this will always be a value between 0 and 1
value number - - A number between 0 and 1 that represents the progress
fillColor string - - A CSS color string to use for the color of the "filled" part of the arc
background string - - A CSS color string to use for the color of the arc track


The properties of the Box component are also available.


By default the background color of a Badge component is generated automatically from its text property, though this can be overridden.

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Name Type Default Required Description
primary boolean - - If true, use the primary theme color
secondary boolean - - If true, use the secondary theme color
tertiary boolean - - If true, use the tertiary theme color
quarternary boolean - - If true, use the quarternary theme color
danger boolean - - If true, use the danger theme color
warning boolean - - If true, use the warning theme color
success boolean - - If true, use the success theme color
info boolean - - If true, use the info theme color
text string - The text to display inside the badge
small boolean - - If true, reduce the scale of the badge


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Name Type Default Required Description
backgroundImage string - - The path to an image that should be displayed in the background
minHeight string - - The minimum height of the Banner, eg 180px


Displays a block level element.

The basic building block of a rendition application.

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Name Type Default Required Description
flex string | string[] - - Sets flex, if the value is an array, sets a responsive style corresponding to the theme's breakpoints
order number | string | Array<number | string> - - Sets order, if the value is an array, sets a responsive style corresponding to the theme's breakpoints


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Name Type Default Required Description
primary boolean - - If true, use the primary theme color
secondary boolean - - If true, use the secondary theme color
tertiary boolean - - If true, use the tertiary theme color
quarternary boolean - - If true, use the quarternary theme color
danger boolean - - If true, use the danger theme color
warning boolean - - If true, use the warning theme color
success boolean - - If true, use the success theme color
info boolean - - If true, use the info theme color
light boolean - - If true, use white background and default text color
disabled boolean - - If true, disabled the button
outline boolean - - If true, the button will have a transparent background, and the border and text color will match
plain boolean - - If true, render the button without padding, background or border
underline boolean - - Similar to the plaintext prop, but displays a line underneath the button text
icon JSX.Element - - Optionally provide a JSX element that will be rendered before the text inside the button


Wrapper for buttons to make them stick together.

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Section containing content and actions on the same topic.

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Name Type Default Required Description
title string - - The title of the card
cta JSX.Element - - React component added to the header
rows JSX.Element[] - - Subsections separated by a horizontal separator
minHeight string auto - CSS minHeight property
children JSX.Element - - Any content that is internally wrapped in a Box


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Checkbox implements all properties from Grommet's CheckBox component


A padded container with a responsive width.

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A styled horizontal rule.

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Name Type Default Required Description
height number 0.5 - The height of the divider
color string quartenary.main - The color of the divider
type `'solid' 'dashed'` 'solid -
children string - - Textual explanation to go in the middle of the divider


Displays a button with an attached dropdown list, children of the component are rendered inside a dropdown list.

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Name Type Default Required Description
primary boolean - - If true, use the primary theme color
secondary boolean - - If true, use the secondary theme color
tertiary boolean - - If true, use the tertiary theme color
quarternary boolean - - If true, use the quarternary theme color
danger boolean - - If true, use the danger theme color
warning boolean - - If true, use the warning theme color
success boolean - - If true, use the success theme color
info boolean - - If true, use the info theme color
emphasized boolean - - If true, use a larger size
square boolean - - If true, render the button with equal length width and height
disabled boolean - - If true, disabled the button
label JSX.Element - - Optionally provide a JSX element that will be displayed inside the main button
border boolean - - If true, place a border between each item in the dropdown
joined boolean - - If true, render the component as a single button instead of two
noListFormat boolean - - If true, render
children as a single JSX element instead of iterating over each of them


A component that can be used for generating filters in the form of json schema objects and saving sets of filters as "views". The filters created by this component can be used to filter a collection of objects using the SchemaSieve object.

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The Filters component requires a schema property which should be a json schema that defines the shape of the objects you want to filter. For example if you want to filter on a collection that looks like this:

    name: 'Bulbasaur',
    caught: true,
    name: 'Pikachu',
    caught: true,
    name: 'Dratini',
    caught: false,

You would define a schema that looks like this:

  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    name: {
      title: 'Name',
      type: 'string'
    caught: {
      title: 'Has been caught',
      type: 'boolean'

If you provide a title property, it will be used to label the field when filtering, otherwise the field name will be used.


Views represent a set of filters, along with an id and a name. This is a useful feature for storing a set filters and loading it again at a later point. A view can optionally have a scope property, which will correspond to the slug of a view scope, if you have provided one in the Filters property viewScopes property. Scopes allow you to easily add an extra layer of granularity/grouping to views that are generated. If you provide view scopes, the user can select a scope when creating a new view.

A view scope has the following properties:

Name Type Description
slug string A unique identifier for the scope
name string A descriptive name for the scope
label string An optional label to use for this scope when creating a view

A view has the following properties:

Name Type Description
id string A unique identifier for the view
name string A descriptive name for the view
filters string An array of json schemas
scope string | null The slug of a view scope, or null if now scopes are provided


Name Type Default Required Description
schema object - A json schema describing the shape of the objects you want to filter
disabled boolean - - If true, disable the entire Filters interface
filters object[] - - An array of json schemas to be displayed as the currently selected filters, typically used when loading when loading filters from storage
views object[] - - An array of views, as described above, typically used when loading when loading views from storage
viewScopes object[] - - An array of view scopes, as described above
onFiltersUpdate (filters: object[]) => void - - A function that is called when filters are updated
onViewsUpdate (views: object[]) => void - - A function that is called when views are updated
addFilterButtonProps object - - Properties that are passed to the "Add filter" button, these are the same props used for the Button component
viewsMenuButtonProps object - - Properties that are passed to the "Views" button, these are the same props used for the DropDownButton component
renderMode string | string[] - - Controls which parts of the Filters interface are displayed. One of all, add, search, views, summary, or an array containing any of these values
dark boolean - - If true, Set the Filters component against a dark background


Displays an element with a fixed position.

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Name Type Default Required Description
top boolean | ResponsiveStyle - - Sets the distance to the top of the containing block. If true, sets the value to zero
right boolean | ResponsiveStyle - - Sets the distance to the right of the containing block. If true, sets the value to zero
bottom boolean | ResponsiveStyle - - Sets the distance to the bottom of the containing block. If true, sets the value to zero
left boolean | ResponsiveStyle - - Sets the distance to the left of the containing block. If true, sets the value to zero
z ResponsiveStyle - - Sets the z-index of the component


Displays an element using flexbox.

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Name Type Default Required Description
alignItems string | string[] - - Sets align-items, if the value is an array, sets a responsive style corresponding to the theme's breakpoints
justifyContent string | string[] - - Sets justify-content, if the value is an array, sets a responsive style corresponding to the theme's breakpoints
flexDirection string | string[] - - Sets flex-direction, if the value is an array, sets a responsive style corresponding to the theme's breakpoints
flexWrap string | string[] - - Sets flex-wrap css property


A component that displays a heading. By default an <h3> tag is used. The exact heading type can be specifed by appending the element name to the component, for example <Heading.h1>, <Heading.h2>, <Heading.h3> etc.

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Displays an image.

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The attributes of an <img> element are also available.


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Name Type Default Required Description
emphasized boolean - - If true, use a larger size
monospace boolean - - If true, render text in a monospace font
onChange (e: Event) => void - - A function that is called when the input value changes


The attributes of an <input> element are also available.


Displays an anchor link.

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Name Type Default Required Description
blank boolean - - If true, open the link in a new tab
disabled boolean - - If true, disable the link


The attributes of an <a> element are also available.


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Name Type Default Required Description
children ReactNode - - Each child represents a list item
ordered boolean - - If true, render an ordered (numbered) list, otherwise render a bullet list


Displays a centrally position modal overlay. Children passed to this component are rendered inside the modal.

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Name Type Default Required Description
title string
- - A title to display at the top of the Modal, only displayed if the titleElement property is not used
titleElement string | JSX.Element - - A string or JSX element to display at the top of the modal
titleDetails string | JSX.Element - - A string or JSX element to display underneath the modal's title, only displayed if the titleElement property is not used and a title property is provided
action string | JSX.Element - - A string or JSX element to display in the primary modal button, defaults to 'OK'
cancel () => any - - A function that is called if the modal is dismissed
done () => any - A function that is called if the primary modal button is clicked
primaryButtonProps object - - Properties that are passed to the primary button, these are the same props used for the Button component
secondaryButtonProps object - - If provided, will cause a secondary button to appear on the modal. These properties that are passed to that button, these are the same props used for the Button component
cancelButtonProps object - - Properties that are passed to the cancel button, these are the same props used for the Button component
style object - - Apply custom styles to Modal, the object is applied as a style attribute


A component used to render a navigation bar.

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Name Type Default Required Description
brand JSX.Element - A JSX element used as the main branding in the navbar


Displays a pager widget.

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Name Type Default Required Description
totalItems number - - The total number of items to split into pages
itemsPerPage number - - The number of items on each page
page number - - The current page (zero-indexed)
nextPage () => void - - Callback invoked when the "next page" button is clicked
prevPage () => void - - Callback invoked when the "previous page" button is clicked


Displays a progress bar using a value representing a percentage.

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Name Type Default Required Description
primary boolean true - If true, use the primary theme color
secondary boolean - - If true, use the secondary theme color
tertiary boolean - - If true, use the tertiary theme color
quarternary boolean - - If true, use the quarternary theme color
danger boolean - - If true, use the danger theme color
warning boolean - - If true, use the warning theme color
success boolean - - If true, use the success theme color
info boolean - - If true, use the info theme color
emphasized boolean - - If true, use a larger size
value number - A value between 1 and 100 that represents the progress
background string - - A CSS color string to use for the progress bar
color string - - A CSS color string to use for the content of the progress bar


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Name Type Default Required Description
checked boolean - - If true, render the radio button as checked
disabled boolean - - If true, set the radio button as disabled
label string - - The label to render next to the radio button
onChange (event: Event) => void - - Function called when the value of the radio button changes


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Name Type Default Required Description
value string - - Currently selected option value
options `["string"] [{"disabled": boolean, "id": string, "label": string, "name": string, "value": string}]` - -
onChange (event: Event) => void - - Function called when the value of the radio button changes


Displays an input styled as a search bar.

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Name Type Default Required Description
dark boolean - - If true, uses a light colorscheme for use on a dark background
disabled boolean - - If true, disable the input
placeholder string - - A placeholder to use in the input
value string - The value of the input
onChange (event: Event) => void - A function that is called when the input changes


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You can refer to the grommet select page for all possible props.

Excluded props are:

'size' | 'selected' | 'focusIndicator' | 'margin'

Additional props are:
Name Type Default Required Description
emphasized boolean - - If true, use a larger size


A visual guide showing a number of steps to be performed by the user. The Steps component takes one or more Step components as children.

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Name Type Default Required Description
children Step - - If true, uses a light colorscheme for use on a dark background
titleText string - - If passed, the steps will have a title at the beginning
titleIcon ReactNode - - If passed, an icon will be shown next to the title text, or on its own if there is no title text passed
onClose () => void - Function that is called when a user clicks on the close button, if not passed, no close button will be rendered
Step Props
Name Type Default Required Description
children string - - The text of the step
status `'pending' 'completed'` - -
onClick () => void - - If passed, the step will be clickable


A component used to generate a styled table.

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The columns property defines what columns the table should display, how they are rendered and whether or not the column is sortable.

The columns property should be an array of objects with the following properties:

Name Type Required Description
field keyof T The name of the field this column should render, this should correspond to a key on the objects passed to the data property of the Table component
cellAttributes object | (value: any, row: T) => object - Attributes that are passed to each cell in this column. This can also be a function, which will be called with the value of the field provided and the row data (T)
label string | JSX.Element - A string or JSX element that will be used to display the name of the column. If this property is not provided, the field property will be used instead
render (value: any, row: T) => string | number | number | JSX.Element | null - Use a custom render function to display the value in each column cell. This function will be called with the value of the field provided and the row data (T)
sortable boolean | (a: T, b: T) => number - If true, the column will be sortable using an alphanumeric sort, alternatively a function can be provided allowing finer grained control over sorting


For performance reasons table rows are only re-rendered if the row properties have changed. For this reason, rows will not re-render if their properties are mutated: you should clone the item instead, for example:

update (index) {
  const newData =
  const element = newData[index]
  newData[index] = Object.assign({}, element, { active: ! })
  this.setState({ data: newData })

See the Updating data in a table story for an example of how this can be done using a high order component.

Additionally, because of this rendering behaviour the render() functions in the Table component's columns property should only use values provided to the render function. When render() functions are provided, they must act like pure functions with respect to their props. They should only rely on their arguments to generate their output and not use any context variables. If you are using a context variable in your render() function, then changes to that variable will not cause a re-render of the component and will not be reflected on the table.


Name Type Default Required Description
columns object[] - An array of column objects, as described above
data T[] - An array of objects that will be displayed in the table
getRowHref (row: T) => string - - If provided, each row in the table will be a clickable link, this function is used to create the link href
onCheck (checkedItems: T[]) => string - - If provided, each row will begin with a checkbox. This function is called with every checked row every time a checkbox is toggled on or off. This property requires that you have provided a rowKey property
onRowClick (row: T, event: Event) => void - - A function that is called when a row is clicked. This property requires that you have provided a rowKey property
onSort (sort: TableSortOptions<T>) => void - - A function that is called when a column is sorted
sort TableSortOptions<T> - - sort options to be used both as a default sort, and on subsequent renders if the passed sort changes
rowAnchorAttributes object - - Attributes to pass to the anchor element used in a row
rowCheckboxAttributes object - - Attributes to pass to the checkbox element used in a row
rowKey key of T - - A field on a row that contains a unique identifier, can help speed up render performance and is required for the onCheck property
toBodyPrefix JSX.element | JSX.Element - - JSX element(s) to display at the top of the table body
highlightedRows *[] - - Highlights one or more rows. This property requires that you have provided a rowKey property: the row with a rowKey property that matches one of these values is highlighted.
usePager boolean - - If true, a pager will be used when displaying items.
itemsPerPage number 50 - The number of items to be shown per page. Only used if usePager is true. Defaults to 50.
pagerPosition 'top' | 'bottom' | 'both' top - Sets wether the pager is displayed at the top of the table, the bottom of the table or in both positions. Only used if usePager is true. Defaults to top.

Programmatically selecting rows

The component has a setRowSelection method that can be accesssed via ref.

It will accept an array of rows T[], or an empty array in order to clear the selection.

This method requires that you have provided a rowKey property.


A component used to render tabbed children components.

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Represents a name-value pair with an optional operator between.

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Name Type Default Required Description
value string - - The value part of the tag
operator boolean ':' - The operator that goes between the name and value of the tag
name boolean - - The name part of the tag, if not provided, only the value will be shown
multiple Array<{name?: string, value?: string, operator?: string, prefix?: string}> - - An array of name-value pairs, with an optional delimiter to be used between the previous and current tag entry
onClose () => void - - Callback method, that if passed, a "close" button will be added to the right-hand side of the tag
onClick () => void - - Callback method, that if passed, the tag will become clickable


An xterm emulator built on top of xterm.js.

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The Terminal component exposes a simple api, typically accessed via a ref.

Here is a simple example that writes a number every second:

import * as React from 'react'
import { Terminal } from 'rendition'

export class Logger extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {

    this.count = 0

  componentDidMount () {
    this.interval = setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000)

  render () {
    return (
        ref={term => (this.term = term)} 

Resize the Terminal component to fill its container.


Clear all output from the terminal.


Write text to the terminal, followed by a line break.


Write text to the terminal.


Tear down the terminal instance.

Remounting old instances

If you'd like to preserve a terminal session and remount it to the DOM at a later point, you will need to set the persistent property to true and then access the readonly property tty and store it in memory. The persistent flag prevents the Terminal component form destroying the tty instance when it unmounts. When you want to remount the session, instantiate a new Terminal component and provide the tty value as the ttyInstance property. When a ttyInstance property is provided, the Terminal component will use that instance instead of creating a new one.


Name Type Default Required Description
ttyInstance object - - An existing Terminal.tty instance to use instead of creating a new one
persistent boolean - - If true, don't destroy the Terminal.tty instance when the component unmounts
nonInteractive boolean - - If true, the component will go into a "read-only" state, useful for displaying logs
color string - - A CSS color string that sets the background color of the terminal
config object - - Startup options to pass to the tty instance, see the xterm.js options for more detail


Displays text that can be copied to the clipboard.

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Name Type Default Required Description
copy string - The value that should be copied to the clipboard
showCopyButton 'hover' | 'always' - - Optionally show the copy button on hover or always show the button


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Name Type Default Required Description
monospace boolean false - If true, render text in a monospace font
autoRows boolean false - If true, the textarea rows property will be changed automatically based on the content of the textarea, this behaviour will only work with a controlled input (i.e. you have used the onChange property
minRows number - - Set the minimum number of rows
maxRows number - - Set the maximum number of rows
onChange (e: Event) => void - - A function that is called when the textarea value changes


The attributes of a <textarea> element are also available.


Tooltips are somewhat special in how they are used. Instead of using them as a typical React component, they can be added to a supported component using the tooltip attribute. For example, to add a tooltip to a Button component you would do the following:

  tooltip='I am a tooltip'
  Click me

If the tooltip attribute is a string then a tooltip containing the strings content will be displayed above the component.

If you need more control over the tooltip, you can set the attribute to an object with the following properties:

Name Type Required Description
text string The text to display in the tooltip
trigger 'click' | 'hover' - Controls whether the tooltip is displayed on hover or click, defaults to 'hover'
placement 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' - Controls the position of the tooltip related to the component, defaults to 'top'
containerStyle object - Apply custom styles to the tooltip outer container, the object is applied as a style attribute
innerStyle object - Apply custom styles to the tooltip inner container, the object is applied as a style attribute
arrowStyle object - Apply custom styles to the tooltip arrow, the object is applied as a style attribute

The following rendition components support the tooltip attribute:

  • Alert
  • Badge
  • Box
  • Button
  • CodeWithCopy
  • DropDownButton
  • Fixed
  • Flex
  • Heading
  • Txt
  • Link

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Displays a text block. A <span> tag can be used with <Txt.span> and a <p> tag can be used with <Txt.p>.

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Name Type Default Required Description
monospace boolean - - If true, render text in a monospace font
bold boolean - - If true, render text in a bold font
italic boolean - - If true, render text in an italic font style
caps boolean - - If true, render text in uppercase
align string - - Align text inside the component, one of 'left', 'right', 'center', 'justify', 'justify-all', 'start', 'end', 'match-parent', 'inherit', 'initial', 'unset'
whitespace string - - Equivalent to the CSS white-space property, one of 'normal', 'nowrap', 'pre', 'pre-line', 'pre-wrap', 'initial', 'inherit'


A simple component for rendering GitHub flavored markdown. This component sanitizes input. This component is not loaded by default as it relies on a markdown parsing package that you may not want to include in your application. You can load this component using:

import { Markdown } from 'rendition/dist/extra/Markdown';

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Name Type Default Required Description
children string - The markdown source that should be rendered

Any other properties supplied are spread to the root element (Txt).


The properties of the Txt component are also available.


A markdown editor based on simple MDE editor

import { MarkdownEditor } from 'rendition/dist/extra/MarkdownEditor';

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Name Type Default Required Description
value string - The markdown-flavored text
onChange (text: string) => void - Callback called on every content change


Generate charts from text using mermaidjs. This component is not loaded by default as it relies on the mermaidjs library that you may not want to include in your application. You can load this component using:

import { Mermaid } from 'rendition/dist/extra/Mermaid';

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Name Type Default Required Description
value string - The mermaid source that should be rendered


A component that can be used for generating a form from a json schema object. The standard json schema types are supported, as well as the date-time format.

Under the hood, this component uses react-jsonschema-form and support all uiSchema options from that project.

Additional formats are supported, but require supporting widgets to be loaded. For example if you would like to support the mermaid format, you'll need to import the widget using import 'renditon/dist/extra/Form/mermaid'.

This import only needs to happen once, so it is recommended that its done at the root level of your application.

This component is experimental and still under development, if you would like to use it, it can be imported using import { Form } from 'rendition/dist/unstable'.


If you wish to use a captcha (google recaptcha v2) in your form, you need to load the captcha widget using import { CaptchaWidget } from 'rendition/dist/extra/Form/captcha' and register it using registerWidget (see story source).

In order for the captcha to work, you also need to set a valid recaptcha API key to the window.RECAPTCHA_V2_API_KEY variable. A gotcha with the captcha widget is, upon submitting, you need to reset the captcha form value where you manage its state. Google only allows a captcha value (generated by clicking the captcha widget) to be verified only once against their API, after which it will be invalid so it needs to be reset.


registerWidget(format, widget)

Register a widget that will be used to render fields of the specified format.


Name Type Default Required Description
schema object - A json schema describing the shape of the data you would like to gather
submitButtonText string | JSX.Element - - A string or JSX element to replace the text in the form submit button
hideSubmitButton boolean - - If true, do not display the form submit button
submitButtonProps object - - Properties that are passed to the submit button, these are the same props used for the Button component
value * - - The data that should be displayed in the form
onFormChange (result: object) => void - - A function that is called when form data changes
onFormSubmit (result: object) => void - - A function that is called when the form is submitted
uiSchema object - - A configuration object used to change the styling and layout of the form. See the react-jsonschema-form docs for more details


Wrap your application in the <Provider> component so that child components can correctly inherit the default theme. You can optionally provide your own theme.

Accessing the theme object

You can access the theme object in <Provider>'s descendant components using the useTheme hook:

import React from 'react'
import { useTheme } from 'rendition';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const theme = useTheme()

  // ...

Styled system

All components support styled-system attributes, allowing you to use a shorthand properties for styling components. The properties can have the properties in the form of string | number | Array<string | number>. If an array is provided, then a property is chosen based on the width of the screen. The screen width corresponds to a breakpoint set in the theme property of the Provider component, by default this is set to [32, 48, 64, 80] where each number is the screen width in ems.

Name Type Description
width ResponsiveStyle sets the width
fontSize ResponsiveStyle sets the font size
color ResponsiveStyle sets the color css property
bg ResponsiveStyle sets the background css property
m ResponsiveStyle sets the margin css property
mt ResponsiveStyle sets the margin-top css property
mr ResponsiveStyle sets the margin-right css property
mb ResponsiveStyle sets the margin-bottom css property
ml ResponsiveStyle sets the margin-bottom css property
mx ResponsiveStyle sets both the margin-right and margin-left css properties
my ResponsiveStyle sets both the margin-top and margin-bottom css properties
p ResponsiveStyle sets the padding css property
pt ResponsiveStyle sets the padding-top css property
pr ResponsiveStyle sets the padding-right css property
pb ResponsiveStyle sets the padding-bottom css property
pl ResponsiveStyle sets the padding-left css property
px ResponsiveStyle sets both the padding-right and padding-left css properties
py ResponsiveStyle sets both the padding-top and padding-bottom css properties

*ResponsiveStyle corresponds to a type of string | number | Array<string | number>

Extra components

Some components in the storybook are grouped separately under the Extra label. These components are not loaded by default as they rely on other large packages that you may not want to include in your application. If you would like to use them they can be loaded using by prefixing the component name with rendition/dist/extra/. For example to load the Markdown components you can use:

import { Markdown } from 'rendition/dist/extra/Markdown';

Unstable/Beta components

Some components in the storybook are grouped seperately under the Beta label. These components are experimental and still under development, as such their API may change without notice. They should not be used in a production application. If you would like to try them out they can be loaded using import * from 'rendition/dist/unstable'.


Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x

Upgrading from 4.x to 5.x

Upgrading from 6.x to 7.x


Please read our contribution guidelines


A library of React UI components

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 51.5%Language:TypeScript 48.0%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%