brentp / vcfgo

a golang library to read, write and manipulate files in the variant call format.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does not correctly parse multi allelic genotypes

akotlar opened this issue · comments

File: ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf (1000 genomes)

Position: 16061250

Result: 0, 1 genotypes parse correctly, 2 is ignored.

Phased: (bool) true,
GT: ([]int) (cap=2) {
DP: (int) 0,
GL: ([]float64) (cap=3) {
GQ: (int) 0,
MQ: (int) 0,
Fields: (map[string]string) (len=1) {
(string) (len=2) "GT": (string) (len=3) "2|2"

I've just pushed a fix for this. The samples stuff (and the multi-allelic stuff) is less tested as I haven't used it much, but please continue to let me know any issues and I'll get them resolved.
Thanks for reporting.

This is the fastest response I've ever seen on an issue. Thank you. Starring this.