brenton-leighton / multiple-cursors.nvim

A multi-cursor plugin for Neovim that works in normal, insert/replace, or visual modes, and with almost every command

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Backspace in Insert mode only deletes from one cursor

JeppeLS opened this issue · comments

When i press backspace in insert mode, the deletion only happen on my most recently added cursor, instead of all cursors.
I'm on nvim v0.9.4

Here is a small example showing what i mean.
Screencast from 2023-12-21 08-25-48.webm

Are you using the autopairs plugin? If not, can you tell me the output of this command:

:lua vim.print(vim.inspect(vim.fn.maparg("<Backspace>", "i", false, false)))

Edit: nvim-autopairs (or mini.pairs) can be disabled

Same issue, mine is:


I seted the pre_hook and post_hook.

pre_hook = function()

post_hook = function()

Same issue, mine is:


Can you show the output of the command before and after creating cursors? You could also use :verbose imap <BS> to print the mapping.

Also can you make sure nvim_autopairs is up to date? I don't think they use the MPairs global variable anymore.

It might be causing an issue that means multiple-cursors.nvim can't override the mapping.

@erlonbie I just realised I probably need to address you to notify you of a response

I just updated both plugins and the problem is gone, thank you! sorry for the miss report

No worries