brendonmatos / golive

⚡ Live views for GoLang with reactive HTML over WebSockets 🔌

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How to use with a template engine

kellabyte opened this issue · comments

Thanks so much for this project! I'm finding it really fun to work with.

I'm new to gofiber and I was wondering how would I use golive with gofiber and a template engine instead of returning static HTML like in your examples in the TemplateHandler function. I tried using a template engine but it looks like none of the data or interaction is correctly working in an interactive way.

Something like

	app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
		// Render index template
		return c.Render("view", fiber.Map{
			"Title": "Hello, World!",

I do see one mistake I have here which is there's no creation of the model object, but I'm not really sure how this flows with golive so I'm a little confused. I would really appreciate the help! Thanks so much for putting your time into this project I tried a bunch of similar ones and this one has been by far the funnest one to work with.

Just so I understand, would you like to create a live view per route?

If yes, it is possible to use the library handler itself

app.Get("/", liveServer.CreateHTMLHandler(components.NewClock, golive.PageContent{
		Lang:  "us",
		Title: "Hello world",

Yes perfect thank you! That worked great. Is this the best place to discuss your library if we have any questions on how to use it?