breezy-weather / breezy-weather

A Material Design Weather Application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Location search results for USA show county instead of state. Including state in search shows no results.

Glazed opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Search for a US city name like "Winchester".
  2. See four results in the USA, but can't tell which is which.

Expected behavior

The search results should show an entry for "United States, Indiana" for Winchester, Indiana, and not "United States, Randolph" which is the name of the county in which Winchester resides.

People in the US only know their own county name and maybe a few others around them. When trying to see the weather in a city they will be visiting, they will not know the county name. They will only know the state name. City names in the US are unique per state, showing the state is sufficient and better.

Actual behavior

Search results show "United States, [county].


In addition, trying to search for "Winchester, IN" or "Winchester, Indiana" shows no results.

Weather source used


Breezy Weather version


Android version

Android 14


Pixel 7 Pro

Other details

No response


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  • I checked that my issue is not covered in the Frequently Asked Questions document.
  • I have updated the app to version 5.2.0 or later and I can reproduce the issue in this version.
  • I wrote my request in English, and any screenshot I attached are also in English (language can be changed from Settings > Appearance), unless my issue only happens with a specific language. I can write in my native language under the English text, if necessary.
  • I understand that this app is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, so I may not get a positive reply to my request, if any at all.