breandan / galoisenne

🕸️ Graphs, finite fields and discrete dynamical systems in Kotlin

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Package version in kaliningraph.json no longer exists

sgilson opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to import the lib into a jupyter notebook through %use, however, version 0.1.1 does not appear to be available on Jupyter(v4.4.0) and the jupyter-kotlin-kernel (v are both freshly installed.

Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 12 16 19 AM

I manually navigated to 0.1.4 in the browser as a sanity check and that works just fine.

I'll just explicitly import 0.1.4 for now, but I'm looking forward to having the renderers available :)

Hi @sgilson, thanks for checking out the project and reporting this issue! I have updated the library descriptor to use the most recent version and simplified the notebook installation instructions in the readme. I will try to keep the official library descriptor up to date, but since the Jupyter kernel now supports using library descriptors from arbitrary URLs, you may also use the following line magic:

%use @

as described in the kotlin-jupyter readme to fetch the most recent version. This should allow you to use the custom notebook renders as described. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you encounter any further issues.