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Crash on permission window

SergeyZhukovsky opened this issue · comments


I found that crash on GPC on nightly and beta channels after we upgraded to chromium 125. I managed to replicate it as well.

Test Case #1

  1. Make sure that Widevine is turned off in Settings->Media.
  2. Open a website with Widevine content I used
  3. Make sure you have a dialog with permission to turn on Widevine.
  4. Tap back button or swipe the dialog out.

Test Case #2

  1. Make sure that Widevine is turned off in Settings->Media.
  2. Open a website with Widevine content I used
  3. Make sure you have a dialog with permission to turn on Widevine.
  4. tap on the "tab overview" button and close
  5. try opening a new tab and you'll notice Brave crashes

Examples of the above crashing can be found via brave/brave-core#23622 (comment).

Crash stack:

Stack Trace:                                                                                                                                                  
  RELADDR   FUNCTION                                                                          FILE:LINE
  v------>  base::ImmediateCrash()                                                            ../../base/immediate_crash.h:176:3       
  v------>  logging::CheckFailure()                                                           ../../base/check.h:212:3
  v------>  permissions::ContentSettingsTypeToRequestType_ChromiumImpl(content_settings::mojom::ContentSettingsType)  ../../../src/components/permissions/
  0000000004499dac  permissions::ContentSettingsTypeToRequestType(content_settings::mojom::ContentSettingsType)  ../../brave/chromium_src/components/permissions/
  0000000004495794  permissions::PermissionUmaUtil::RecordDismissalType(std::__Cr::vector<content_settings::mojom::ContentSettingsType, std::__Cr::allocator<content_settings::mojom::ContentSettingsType>> const&, permissions::PermissionPromptDisposition, permissions::DismissalType)  ../../../src/components/permissio
  v------>  permissions::PermissionDialogDelegate::Dismissed(_JNIEnv*, jni_zero::JavaParamRef<_jobject*> const&, int)  ../../../src/components/permissions/android/permission_prompt/
  00000000044a3cf0  Java_J_N_My1ZBTOK                                                                 gen/jni_headers/components/permissions/android/jni_headers/PermissionDialogDelegate_jni.h:73:11

The above requires 1.66.108 or higher for 1.66.x verification 👍


Verified on Galaxy Tab S8 and Pixel 7 using version(s):

- Galaxy Tab S8 / gts8wifixx-user 14 UP1A.231005.007 release-keys
- Pixel 7 / panther_beta-user 14 AP31.240322.023 release-keys
Brave build: 1.66.107
Chromium: 125.0.6422.41 (Official Build) (64-bit) 


  1. Follow the steps from #38297 (comment)
  2. Verify


  • Verified that Brave is not crashing
  • Verified that the user stays on the same page/tab when closing Widevine DRM dialog

Galaxy Tab S8


Pixel 7
