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[perf] Unlocking Wallet hangs UI thread

atuchin-m opened this issue · comments


Some Wallet UI task blocks UI thread for a long time during unlocking.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a Wallet if you don't have one;
  2. Start recording chrome://tracing
  3. Open brave://wallet and unlock;
  4. Stop recording, check BrowserMain thread

Actual result:

A long UI task takes 254ms on MPB M1 pro.
On a low end android phone it probably takes a few seconds.

Expected result:

No long UI tasks that blocks UI

Reproduces how often:


Desktop Brave version:

1.68.2 Chromium: 125.0.6422.41 (Official Build) nightly (arm64)

  1. Unlocking a wallet could be a relatively usual user action (comparing to creating a new wallet).
  2. 250ms is a really long time for M1 pro. For Android we probably have some ANRs because of that.

This brave/brave-core#23363 should make unlocking 8-10 times faster, but still blocking.
Will fix