braposo / react-responsive-picture

A future-proof responsive image component that supports latest Picture specification

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add lazyload / loading support

braposo opened this issue · comments

So that we can load image only when needed and show a loading state if they're still loading. It will help decreasing the loading time of the page.

Here's what we had previously in the other repo:

Display a lo-res image as placeholder, like Medium currently does:

Interesting webpack loaders (but probably not applicable here): and

Great presentation with examples on the topic:

And also more examples:

We can also use to trigger the load events on viewport enter


@braposo Thanks for putting out this library! Also, super interested in lazy-load support - wondering if you've made any progress on this or have notes to share?

@oyeanuj unfortunately I didn't quite have the time to focus on this, but what I can say is that it's likely that we'll try to keep this package independent from any scroll/lazyload library. That means that there will probably be an isVisible prop that anyone can use to control which version of the image is rendered.

I'll add examples with react-scrollmonitor and react-loadable for inspiration so people can easily integrate this with one of those libraries.

Sounds good?


@braposo Thank you for the quick response! The example idea sounds good, looking forward to it. One thing, if I may suggest, is having a placeholder prop which allows the user to customize what gets shown there - solid color (a div with that component) or some other image, for example.

Another article for inspiration about using IntersectionObserver API

Some lqip alternative with svgs

This is also interesting but probably not the best approach

After putting some thought on this for v3 I decided to keep this library as slim as possible and avoid doing too much. The lazy-loading can be easily achievable with one of the many libraries available in combination with the src or srcSet props.

I might add an example to codesandbox but it isn't a priority right now so I'll close this issue. If someone else wants to do it I'll happily add it to the docs!