brandonroberts / angular-router-loader

A Webpack loader that enables string-based module loading with the Angular Router

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TypeError: can't convert undefined to object

Luke265 opened this issue · comments


I'm keep getting TypeError: can't convert undefined to object error when lazy loading child modules. But when I change arrow function to function in, example below:

  var result = [
    'loadChildren: function() { return System.import(\'' + filePath + '\')',
    '  .then(function(module) {',
    '    return module[\'' + moduleName + '\'];',
    '  });}'

The error goes away. Should I create PR?


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Can you reproduce this a repo or share some code? I don't see why this would cause an error. Have you also tried with the default loader?


Sorry for the trouble. It's everything okay now. There was a problem in my tsconfig.json and webpack. This problem has occurred when I targeted es6. Still trying to figure out why this happened, but your plugin has nothing to do with it :)